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of the Interior 
rer of Land Management 

Recognizing Plant Families 
of the West 

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= Dawson and Phil hcelaliare) 

Suggested citation: 

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. 2021. Recognizing 
Plant Families of the West: Field Guide. Bureau of Land Management, Colorado. 

Copies available from: 
Bureau of Land Management 
National Operations Center 

Printed Materials Distribution Services 


Cover Photo: Helianthella quinquenervis and Castilleja spp., Lake County, Colorado, Phil Krening 




Recognizing Plant Families 
of the West 

Field Guide 

Carol Dawson, PhD 

State Botanist 
Bureau of Land Management, Colorado 

Phil Krening 
Conservation Specialist 
_ Espinoza Consulting Services, LLC 

- Editorial - 

Design Renee Garfias 
Photo Editor Phil Krening 
Communications Brittany Sprout 

- Contributing Photographers — 

Patrick Alexander, Bryant Baker, Mary Burns, Sue Carnahan, Gerald Carr, 
Carol Dawson, Jeffrey Dawson, Naomi Fraga, Peter Gordon, 
Marlin Harms, Michael Kauffmann, Phil Krening, Olivia Kwong, 
Matt Lavin, Steve Matson, Phillip Merritt, Cheryl Moorehead, 
Corey Raimond, Jon Rikberg, Michael Remke, Dave Sollenberger, 
Thomas Stoughton, Dale Swenarton, Amadej Trnkoczy, 

Luke Wimmer, Ron Wolf, Lorraine Yeatts 

BLM Library 
Denver Federal Center 
Bidg. 50, OC-521 

Rf) Box 25047 


"The urge to classify Is a 
fundamental human instinct; 
like the predisposition to sin, 
it accompanies us into the 
world at birth and stays with 
us to the end’ 

- A. Tindell Hopwood (1897-1969) 

Curator, Natural History Museum in London 
British Paleontologist 


| met Carol Dawson during the summer of 2013 while she was teaching her class “Flora of the West” at a 
weeklong workshop at the Chicago Botanic Garden. On paper, Carol's class looked grueling — a botanical blitz 
of the identifying characteristics of around fifty plant families delivered in approximately 90 minutes. Though, 
if you opted to skip it, you surely would have missed the most useful and engaging crash course in plant 
identification around. Carol's family-based approach to identifying plants brings the complexities and nuance 
of botanical wizardry into the realm, not only of the accessible, but the relatable. 

Having worked closely with Carol over the last eight years, | have sat through her class a dozen or more times, 
and | still take away something new each time. Leading up to the 2020 field season, when so many in-person 
trainings were cancelled, there was a perceptible void in the transfer of knowledge to seasonal staff. Not just 
to botanical interns, but to weed control specialists, range managers, and vegetation monitoring crews. Many 
Supervisors reached out for a copy of the Flora of the West presentation to share with their staff. 

This first edition of Recognizing Plant Families of the West includes the identifying characteristics of 54 of the 
most common plant families in the arid western United States, depicted by over 1,000 carefully selected 
images. Much of the original content and spirit of “Flora of the West" has been included in text to provide 
broader context and a deeper understanding of these plants, their ecology, and their ethnographic and 
economic importance. | hope you find it equal parts education and enjoyment. 

- Phil Krening 



Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area, Colorado, Phil Krening 

6 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Foreword 


Be Na ete cea cetera rei Se cichiees sini onshaannn als 6 
TRE ESOC 1000) ee seer eret ar ene eee ect 8 
GENERAL FLOWER TERMINOLOGY ccsicciectonctsssonenaun 10 

Plant Families 
Adoxaceae | Moschatel or Elder Family... 16 

Amaranthaceae | Pigweed and Goosefoot Family... 19 

Amaryllidaceae | Amaryllis Family ...........0cccee 24 
Anacardiaceae | Cashew or Sumac Famlly............5 27 
Apiaceae | Carrot or Parsley Family wu... cee 30 
Apocynaceae | Dogbane Famlly ..........:ceeceeeeeee 34 
Asparagaceae | Hyacinth or Asparagus Family.......... 38 
Asteraceae | Sunflower Family ......0..ccccceeeeeeen 4? 
WY) Berberidaceae | Barberry Family ...........ccccccccccee 47 
Boraginaceae | Borage or Waterleaf Family.............. 50 
Brassicaceae | Mustard Famiily............ccccseeenee 54 
Cactaceae | Cactus Family s.p.c.ccisccccccsecseenecsqessesceneeens 58 
Campanulaceae | Bellflower Family.............00e0e 62 
Caprifoliaceae | Honeysuckle Famlly...........ccccee 65 
Caryophyllaceae | Carnation or Pink Family............. 68 
Cleomaceae | Spiderflower Family ..........cceceeee (a 
Convolvulaceae | Morning-Glory Family..............0:5 15 

Cucurbitaceae | Cucumber Family ...........:ceceeee 18 

Cyperaceae | Sedge Family... ..cceececceeceseeen 8] 

[Ericaceae | Heath Family... c.cceccereennnenee 85 
a Euphorbiaceae | Spurge FAQ oe ee ee 
| FT Fabaceae | POa Family ccccccsceseccccscercccdgecesiooecnussecerseensss 92 

Garryaceae | Silk Tassel Family ..........c0:scc00 re 98 

Gentianaceae | Gentian Family... 101 

Geraniaceae | Geranium or Crane's-bill Family........... 104 

Grossulariaceae | Gooseberry Family... 108 
| HS Hydrangeaceae | Hydrangea Family ...........sseees 1 
Juncaceae | RUSH Family..........cccesccseceeeesecsnensies 114 

L Lamiaceae | Mint Family .......cccccccccececsesseeeeeeeees 117 

Liltaceae) LVRS ays ack nih cestode 121 
Loasaceae | Stickleaf or Blazingstar Family................ 125 
Lythraceae | Loosestrife Family... 128 
Malvaceae | Mallow Family ..........ccccseesesececen 131 
| ag | Miner's Lettuce Family .........0..c0ce 135 
NL) Nyctaginaceae | Four-o'clock Family... Bes 138 

Oleaceae | Olive FAMILY ........cccseseuetestentstnen 141 
Onagraceae | Evening Primrose Family 0... 144 
Orchidaceae | Orchid Family .....ccccscccsssssssessssseevssee 148 
Orobanchaceae | Broomrape Familly........0...0:cccee 152 
Papaveraceae | Poppy Family.........:..cceccsceec ees 156 
Phrymaceae | Lopseed Family...........ccccccceeeee 159 

Plantaginaceae | Plantain Family...........0.0.:cceee 162 
Poaceae | Grass Family ...ccsssssssesssssssssssesseesecvsssseeeenen 166 
Polemoniaceae | Phlox Family...........c:ccsccseesece: 170 
Polygonaceae | Buckwheat Family ...........0ccecee 174 
Primulaceae | Primrose FaMily......c..c.ccccccc ween 77 
Ranunculaceae | Buttercup Family .............ccccee 180 
Rhamnaceae | Buckthorn Family.........ccccceeneee 183 
Rosaceae | Rose Family... 186 

me ~ Sarcobataceae | Greasewood Family... 190 
: | Saxifragaceae | Saxifrage Family... 193 
Ve Q Scrophulariaceae | Figwort Family... 196 
- Solanaceae | Potato or Nightshade Familly................. 199 
BAVAd Verbenaceae PETTSUY RAMI Weg ce Sos enictisinesctoeee 202 
Le Zygophyllaceae | Caltrop Family «0.0.00... cece 205 
(USS CU eae ea aC eee 208 

Pe erin a NUE 200 hale ers Sno nee er 21s 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Contents il 



The first step in the identification of any unknown plant is to recognize the family to which it belongs. For 
example, when you look at a daisy, blanket flower, sunflower, or coneflower, even a novice will undoubtably 
recognize that the flowers have features in common that make them recognizable as plants in the Sunflower 
Family (Asteraceae). In this way we are all born taxonomists—we unconsciously see the differences in 
characteristics of everyday objects. Without thinking, our mind runs through an analysis of its characters, a 
tendency that leads to classifying like-objects into groups. The entire natural world has been classified in this 
fashion. Arranged from a few broad associations all the way down to millions of distinct species. Therefore, 
familiarizing yourself with the patterns of even just a few common plant families, opens the door to the 
identification of thousands of individual plant species. 

The goal of this field guide is to enable readers to identify 54 flowering plant families. The focus is on 
illustrating the field recognition characters with photographs. Take the plunge — learn the characteristics of 
the plant families presented here — and in short order you will be automatically classifying the plants you 

About this Field Guide 

In preparing this field guide | have used old and new textbooks on plant identification and classification, 
published floras of the western states, and lots of other reference material. A complete list of all the literature 
used can be found in the References section at the end of this guide. The plant families presented in this guide 
were chosen because they are commonly encountered in the western states. However, these characters apply 
to the same families found in the temperate regions throughout the world. A standardized format was followed, 
utilizing photographs to illustrate the identifying characters, followed by photographs of familiar western 


Patagonia Mountains, Arizona, Patrick Alexander 

8 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Introduction 

The family circumscriptions used in this guide follow Christenhusz et al., (2017), which include recent 
advances in DNA-based studies. Beginning in 1998, the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) began to 
create classifications based on analyzed data and informal consensus among researchers. Today, these 
classifications are well-established and followed by most researchers in the field. 

How to Use this Guide 

The aim of this guide is to enable the reader to identify plants to the family level without using the family key in 
the flora of your region. You will need to use the proper flora to determine the genus and species. The first step 
in the identification process is to review the Key to plant family groupings. The 54 plant families are arranged 
into 3 groups: grasses and grass-like plants, monocotyledons, and eudicotyledons. The key interprets the 
recognition characters as they would most likely be observed by a wide range of users. This allows the user 

to select potential plant families based on the overall appearance of the flowers. Plant families are arranged 

in alphabetical order. Each family page contains general information, identifying characters with photographs, 
followed by images of familiar species across the west. 

Drawings are included as a refresher for terms used regarding flower structure. Use the glossary to make 
certain that you understand what you are looking at — small mistakes in interpretation can lead to the incorrect 
family and back to using the family key in your flora! The goal is to give you the tools to rapidly identify potential 
plant families without stress. 

Throughout these pages you'll find references to traditional and ethnobotanical uses of many different plants 
species. It is not within the scope of this field guide to provide detailed information on the harvest and use of 
edible or medicinal plants. As with all wild harvesting, caution is required in the identification, processing, and 
use of any wild plant. 


Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Introduction 9 


peta = [ 
\ ovary 
anther \) 
ks collectively sepals = calyx 
sepal collectively petals = corolla 
a5 calyx + corolla = perianth 
stigma + style + ovary = pistil 
anther + filament = stamen 

Ovary Position 

All floral parts attach to the receptacle. The relative position of the ovary to the other flower 
parts is an important diagnostic feature - the ovary is either superior (perianth & stamens 
attach below) or inferior (perianth & stamens attach to the top of the ovary). 

Superior Ovary Superior Ovary Inferior Ovary 
(hypogynous) (perigynous) (epigynous) 


ovary receptacle 

10 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | General Flower Terminology 

Flower Symmetry 

Floral symmetry can be described as actinomorphic or zygomorphic. Flowers with actinomorphic symmetry 
can be cut through the center of the flower in any direction and have similar pieces. In zygomorphic flowers 
only a cut through a median plane yields two equal halves. 

Radial (Actinomorphic, Regular) 

Bilateral (Zygomorphic, Irregular) 

* be 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | General Flower Terminology 11 

Inflorescence Types 

Within an inflorescence the main stalk supporting a single flower is the pedicel. Bracts may occur at the 
base of each pedicel in the inflorescence. The stalk supporting an entire inflorescence is the peduncle. The 
central axis of an inflorescence is called a rachis. An inflorescence that has the oldest flower terminating 
the rachis with the blooming flower pattern being outward and downward Is called a determinate type. If 
the youngest flower is central or terminal and the blooming pattern is progressively inward and upward the 
inflorescence is called indeterminate. There are exceptions to these blooming sequences. 



bract peduncle 

raceme spike 
corymb simple umbel 

simple cyme 

compound cyme 

compound umbel 


12 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | General Flower Terminology 

apni, >, Ann hlCetlCelh,llClCDlCUM KU DlC UDC LllC LllC GTDC DDlC DCDCDC KDC Dll ell eC eC ell elle eel a lc ce lice lic eller eel eller ellie el ater eellC ee tltiésC—eS 


The head is an inflorescence type in the Asteraceace consisting of a dense cluster of sessile flowers. 

disk flowers 

ray flowers 

petals petals 
pappus “____ pappus 
ovary A ovary 
disk flower ray flower 

Park County, Colorado, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | General Flower Terminology 13 


Monocotyledons Monocotyledons 
(grasses and grass-like plants) (excluding grasses and grass-like plants) 
Flowers lacking colorful petals, small, arranged Flowers white or brightly colored; flower parts 
in spikelets or enclosed by bracts, leaves 3 or multiples of 3, perianth of tepals (i.e. no 
parallel-veined difference between sepals and petals): leaves 

with parallel venation, strap-shaped 

Ovary Superior Ovary Inferior 
Agavaceae Agavaceae 
Alliaceae Asparagaceae 



Amaryllidaceae Liliaceae 
Asparagaceae Orchidaceae 


ee nd 

Alpine vegetation climate change monitoring, Colorado, Phil Krening 

14 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Key to Plant Family Groupings 


Flower parts in 4's or 5's, or in multiples of 4 or 5; or with many parts arranged In a spiral; 
flowers with recognizable sepals and petals, major leaf veins reticulated 

Flowers with petals or 
petal-like structures that 

appear to be separate 
from each other 


Flowers with petals or petal-like structures clearly fused to 

each other into a long or short tube 

Flowers are Actinomorphic 


Flowers are Zygomorphic 

* Key interprets some 
characters as observed-not 
always botanically correct. 


Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Key to Plant Family Groupings 15 

Familiar Western Genera - Adoxa, Sambucus, Viburnum 

General Information 

The Adoxaceae is a family of perennial herbs, shrubs, and small trees. Species in the genera Sambucus and 
Viburnum are well-known as garden ornamentals. Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) has edible fruits that are 
used to make jams, jellies, sauces, juice, drinks, and wine. Legend maintains that it is wise to keep a bouquet 
of elder flowers picked in midsummer on hand in case a devil wanders by. At least, that is one of the stories 
found in Grimm's fairy tales relating to ‘elder magic’. There are approximately 5 genera and 225 species in 
the Elder Family. 

, i >. 7 > - oo > 

Sambucus racemosa, Phil Krening 4 
16 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Adoxaceae Moschatel or Elder Family 4 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: opposite, (a) simple or (b) compound, generally toothed 

2. Inflorescence: terminal panicles, pyramidal cymes, or terminal flat-topped cymes 

3. Flowers: (a) perfect, actinomorphic; (b) Calyx: 5(2) teeth or lobes; Corolla: small, rotate, lobes (3-4) 5 
4. Ovary: inferior 

5. Fruit: fleshy drupes, can be berry-like 

a a7 
wit - 
way x 

m Gerald Carr Sambucus nigra subsp. caerulea, Bryant Baker 


Viburnum rhytidophyllu 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Adoxaceae Moschatel or Elder Family 



Sambucus racemosa, Matt Lavin 

ognizing Plant Families of the West | Adoxaceae Moschatel or Elder Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Amaranthus, Atriplex, Chenopodium, Dysphania, Grayia, Halogeton, Kochia, 
Krascheninnikovia, Monolepis, Salicornia, Salsola, Suaeda, Tidestromia 

General Information 

The classification of the Amaranthaceae (Pigweed Family) and the Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family) share 
a complicated history. Some authors have always considered these two closely related families separate, 
while others believe these two should be combined into a single family. Both families are very similar in flower 
form, however recent molecular evidence suggests that the Chenopodiaceae should be nested within the 

The beet and the sugar beet are arguably the most important economic crop species in this family, along 

with spinach and swiss chard. The protein-rich seeds of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) are considered a 

trendy “superfood”. Several species are popular ornamentals — cockscomb (Celosia cristata), globe amaranth 
(Gomphrena globosa), and love lies bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus). Saltbush (Atriplex) and winterfat 
(Krascheninnikovia lanata) are common in arid, saline, or alkaline environments in the West and are an important 
forage for wildlife. Currently, there are an estimated 170 genera and 2,040 species divided among three 

Atriplex canescens, Ron Wolf 


Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Amaranthaceae Pigweed and Goosefoot Family 19 

Amaranthoideae = Amaranthaceae 

Identifying Characteristics 

]. Leaves: alternate or opposite, without stipules 
2. Inflorescence: axillary or terminal, in dense spikes, heads or panicles 
3. Flowers: unisexual or bisexual, small, green, usually subtended by two bracts 

4. Perianth: petals absent, (3) 5 free or basally fused sepals, often scarious; Stamens: 1-5, same number 
as perianth segments 

5. Ovary: Superior 

6. Fruit: utricle, with persistent perianth or bracts 

pa, aa 
t PES 

Amaranthus palmeri, Patrick Alexander Amaranthus californicus, Gerald Carr 

Amaranthus h ybridus, Matt Lavin 

x re re Le Le ire Lei etlC LC LT lClCemreEelCUCeeelCUCle,lCOCOCeeelCeelelCe,lCl,lCeelCel lO elCeel,elCkeeelClelCeeelCe,llCr,lClCee,ellCeeellCee,llCelliCi cael, lls 

20 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Amaranthaceae Pigweed and Goosefoot Family 

Chenopodioideae = Chenopodiaceae 

Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: (a) generally alternate, without stipules; (b) leaf surfaces with simple, stellate or glandular hairs — 
scurfy leaf surface (covered with scale-like particles) 

2. Stems: occasionally fleshy 

3. Flowers: unisexual or bisexual, tiny, inconspicuous 

4. Perianth: petals absent, (3) 5 free or basally fused sepals, often scarious; Stamens 1-5 

5. Ovary: Superior 

Salsola tragus, Ron Wolf 

pea el 

Atriplex hymenelytra, Ron Wolf 

Atriplex subspicata, Matt Lavin 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Amaranthaceae Pigweed and Goosefoot Family 21 

aon icc SE 

Atriplex saccaria, Patrick Alexander 

Amaranthus fimbriatus, Patrick Alexander Amaranthus torreyi, Patrick Alexander Halogeton glomeratus, Ron Wolf 

Dap Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Amaranthaceae Pigweed and Goosefoot Family 

ia, Phil Krening aa | aio berlandi 
att Lavin 

Atriplex confertifol. 

Chenopodium capitatum, Patrick Alexander 


ee x sS ” 
& ms) 4 oh NS 

Grayia spinosa, BLM Oregon Krascheninnikovia lanata, 
Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Amaranthaceae Pigweed and Goosefoot Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Allium, Nothoscordum, Ipheion 

General Information 

The Amaryllidaceae includes perennial herbs that have fleshy rhizomes or bulbs with membranous coats. 
Many genera in this family are familiar to gardeners as a part of the ornamental bulb trade. In fact, the genus 
Allium is not only desired as a showy garden plant but has been used widely as a vegetable or condiment 
since the Bronze Age. The Amaryllidaceae was formerly known as the Alliaceae, or Onion family. The Amaryllis 
Family includes 77 genera and approximately 2,140 species divided into three subfamilies. 

scordum texanum, BLM Arizona 

24 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Family 

a, a aaaaanana af fn ff A DA DDD D DD aD wf Ba Ba BD BDH BD BDL aH Do oo oo Hh & 

Allioideae = Alliaceae 

Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: perennial herbs with fleshy bulbs. The outer bulb coat is generally important in identification. 
2. Leaves: basal, linear, filiform 

3. Inflorescences: (a) are umbels, (b) subtended by 1 or 2 bracts, scapose 

4. Flowers: perfect, usually with six tepals (sometimes 3 or 5) 

5. Ovary: superior 

6. Fruit: a loculicidal capsule 

Allium brandegeei BLM Idaho 

ie ‘ = 
‘ . Wag, 2 
By i 

ot j : 
Allium cernuum, Patrick Alexander Allium geyeri, Patrick Alexander Allium bisceptrum, Ron Wolf 

Allium christophii, Phil Krening ) Allium campanulatum, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Family 25 

Allium cernuum, Patrick Alexander Allium bolanderi var. bolanderi, Steve Matson 

26 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Family 

ee e~ 

Familiar Western Genera - Rhus, Cotinus, Toxicodendron 

General Information 

The Anacardiaceae is an infamous family of plants consisting primarily of trees, shrubs, and vines. Prior to 
taking a walk in the woods, most children have heard the warning: “if the leaves are three, let it be.” Not heed- 
ing this advice meant an opportunity to experience the allergenic properties of plants in this family. Poison ivy 
is perhaps the most familiar, however, eating cashews or mangoes can cause contact dermatitis in sensitive 
people. There are approximately 83 genera and 860 species in the Cashew Family, divided Into two subfamilies. 

Toxicodendron rydbergil, Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Anacardiaceae Cashew or Sumac Family 27 

Anacardioideae = Anacardiaceae 

Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: woody trees, shrubs, vines with resinous bark. Resin canals are present In most parts of the plants, 
with a clear to milky sap that may turn black when exposed to the air 

2. Leaves: usually alternate, simple or pinnately or ternately compound 

3. Inflorescence: axillary or terminal panicles or a thyrse 

4. Flowers: perfect or imperfect; Calyx: sepals 5, bases fused; Corolla: petals 5 

5. Ovary: superior; Fruit: usually a drupe 


Toxicodendron rydbergii Gerald Carr 

fe ls 
Rhus integrifolia, Bryant Baker Rhus trilobata, BLM Arizona 

28 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Anacardiaceae Cashew or Sumac Family 

Vea rd 
~~ 4 x a ‘ 
f > -. » 
> = > 

Rane ° 


PT ts 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Anacardiaceae Cashew or Sumac Family 


ee - ~ 
s of or Parsley Fal ily 

Familiar Western Genera - Angelica, Cymopterus, Eryngium, Heracleum, Lomatium, Perideridia, Sanicula 

General Information 

The old name for the Apiaceae — Umbelliferae — literally means “bearer of umbels”. The name plainly describes 
one of the most recognizable characteristics of this plant family — that most possess a compound umbel 

for their inflorescence. The Carrot Family includes well-known and widely cultivated root and leaf vegetables, 
herbs, spices, and ornamental plants. However, many plants in this family are quite toxic and some can be 
lethal if consumed. Socrates is thought to have had a dust-up with poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) that 
did not end well. The Carrot Family has a worldwide distribution, with roughly 443 genera and approximately 
3,575 distinct species. 

Angelica grayi Phil Krening 7 


30 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Apiaceae Carrot or Parsley Family 



Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: mostly annual, biennial, perennial herbs and shrubs 

2. Leaves: alternate, finely dissected — usually pinnately or palmately compound 

3. Petioles: sheathing at the base, clasping the stem 

A Stems: ribbed, hollow internodes 

5. Inflorescence: simple or compound umbel 

6. Flowers: 5-merous, small; Calyx: sepals 0 or 5 lobes; Corolla: petals 5, often incurved at tips 

7. Ovary: inferior — composed of 2 fused carpels capped with 2 persistent styles fused at the base 

8. Fruit: schizocarps, splitting into 2 mericarps. Mericarps ribbed with oil tubes present 

Anethum graveolens, Phil Krening 

Heracleum maximum, Gerald Carr Perideridia bolanderi, BLM Oregon 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Apiaceae Carrot or Parsley Family 3] 

. 2 

Sphenosciadium capitellatum, Ron Wolf Angelica ampla, Patrick Alexander 

az Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Apiaceae Carrot or Parsley Family 

Lomatium foeniculaceum, BLM Wyoming 

Familiar Western Genera - Amsonia, Apocynum, Asclepias, Cycladenia, Nerium, Sarcostemma 
(Funastrum), Vinca 

General Information 

The Apocynaceae includes annual and perennial herbs, shrubs, trees, and vines. Plants in this family have 
unique flowers that are valued in the ornamental plant trade. Members such as waxflower (Hoya), oleander 
(Nerium), bluestar (Amsonia), and milkweed (Asclepias) are frequently found in ornamental gardens. Asclepias 
species are an important component of pollinator gardens, since they are the primary food source for 

the caterpillars of the monarch butterfly in North America. Other members of this family are important 
ethnobotanically. The fibrous stems of hemp dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum) are an important material for 
many Native American tribes, traditionally used to make bows, nets, and clothing. 

The Dogbane Family is comprised of 322 genera and 4,300 species. Five subfamilies are now recognized as 
a result of detailed molecular studies. Two of the five subfamilies are Apocynoideae and Asclepiadoideae. In 
recently published floras you will find the recognition characters for these two subfamilies compiled in the 

* eee 

* - 
Asclepias speciosa, BLM Wyoming 

34 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Apocynaceae Dogbane Family 

EE a a a a 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: simple, opposite, whorled, or rarely alternate 
2. Plants: sap a milky latex or watery 

3. Inflorescence: generally umbel 

4. Flowers: 5-merous | 
5. Petals: often overlapping, twisted in the bud 

6. Sepals: fused at base, often reflexed 

7. Stamens: and pistils free or fused together to form a filament column (gynostegium) 

8. Corona: structures often present on the corolla or on the gynostegium 

9. Pollen: packed into a mass (pollinia) 

10. Fruit: (a)1-2 follicles; (b)seeds often comose (have plumes or tufts of silky hairs) 

Apocynum androsaemifolium, 
Gerald Carr 

ae a — 


Asclepias cordifolia, 
Ron Wolf 

Asclepias speciosa, BLM Wyoming 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Apocynaceae Dogbane Family a5 

Amsonia longiflora, Patrick Alexander 


Apocynum spp., BLM Colorado Asclepias cryptoceras, Phil Krening 

36 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Apocynaceae Dogbane Family 

Apocynum androsaemifolium, Ron Wolf Asclepias asperula, Jeffrey Dawson 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Apocynaceae Dogbane Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Agave, Yucca, Leucocrinum, Camassia, Hesperocallis, Androstephium, Brodiaea, 
Dichelostemma, Triteleia 

General Information 

The Agaves and Brodiaeas now make their home as subfamilies of the Asparagaceae. In addition to being the 
source of spirits, including tequila and mezcal, this distinctive group of plants is relatively ubiquitous across 
the arid landscapes of western North America. The Asparagus Family is large and cosmopolitan, currently 
composed of 118 distinct genera comprising approximately 3,220 species which are divided into seven 
subfamilies. Some of the consolidation within the Asparagaceae has happened quite recently, many floras 
still include the Agavaceae and Themidaceae, presented here, as separate plant families. 

Agave maximiliana, Phil Krening 

38 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Asparagaceae Hyacinth or Asparagus Family 

__elCOCrre_DrlCUeeellCeeellCleelCa less 

Agavoideae = Agavaceae 

Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: perennial herbs, shrubs or trees 

2. Leaves: simple, often forming basal rosettes, linear 

3. Flowers: usually with six tepals, in two whorls, petal-like 
4. Flowering stems: often scapose 

5. Ovary: superior or inferior 

6. Fruit: usually a loculicidal capsule or berry 

Yucca brevifolia, BLM California 



ei re eA i Se = Laie : .™ b ae Kae 
Agave spp., Peter Gordon Yucca spp., Olivia Kwong Yucca angustissima var. kanabensis, BLM Utah 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Asparagaceae Hyacinth or Asparagus Family 39 

Brodiaeoideae = Themidaceae 

Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: perennial herbs from corms with a fibrous outer coating 
2. Leaves: basal, linear to narrowly lanceolate 

3. Flowers: with six tepals, free or fused below into a tube 

4 \|nflorescence: in umbels subtended by papery bracts 

5. Ovary: superior 

6. Fruit: a loculicidal capsule 

Triteleia laxa, Ron Wolf 


Muilla lordsburgana, Patrick Alexander Triteleia ixioides, BLM California 

40 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Asparagaceae Hyacinth or Asparagus Family 

Leucocrinum montanum, Phil Krening 

Brodiaea elegans, Ron Wolf 

Triteleia ixioides subsp. ixioides, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Asparagaceae Hyacinth or Asparagus Family 

7 a 


Familiar Western Genera - Antennaria, Artemisia, Balsamorhiza, Chrysothamnus, Cirsium, Ericameria, 
Erigeron, Helianthus, Heterotheca, Packera, Senecio, Solidago 

General Information 

The Asteraceae Is one of the two largest families of flowering plants. Plants in this family run the gamut and 
include edibles such as lettuce and artichokes, medicines, herbs, alcoholic drinks, hallucinogens, sweeteners 
(Stevia), culinary oils (sunflowers), popular cut flowers, garden ornamentals, and invasive weeds. Salsify, 
cardoon, endive, Jerusalem artichokes, chicory, sunflower seeds and oil, tarragon, echinacea, chamomile, 
arnica, yarrow, and marigolds are just a few of plants that are used by people around the world. The 1990's 
saw the revival of the alcoholic drink absinthe that is flavored with wormwood, fennel, and anise. Wormwood 
(Artemisia absinthium) contains a compound known as thujone that has similar effects to cannabis. When 
popularized in the late 19th century, exaggerated rumors about hallucinations and wild behavior among the 
bohemian crowd led to a ban on absinthe in 1915. Sadly, those who danced with the “green fairy” probably 
never saw one. 

In the West, woody species of sagebrush (Artemisia) are the signature plants of the intermountain basins. As 
one of the most widespread vegetation dominants, sagebrush steppe at one time occupied more area than 
any other North American semidesert vegetation type — sometimes called the ‘sagebrush sea’. However, 
the introduction of livestock after European colonization became one of the major factors that altered the 
composition of sagebrush ecosystems. Aggressive weeds — such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) — 
appeared with the livestock, changing this plant community forever. 

Currently there are roughly 1,627 genera and about 24,700 species in the Sunflower Family divided into three 
subfamilies. Using a flora to key out these “DYCs” — or darn yellow composites — requires patience as the 
subfamilies are further broken down into 25 tribes in the contiguous United States. 

Rudbeckia laciniata var. ampla, Phil Krening 

42 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Asteraceae Sunflower Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

]. Leaves: basal and/or cauline, alternate, opposite, simple to compound or dissected 
2. Inflorescence: (a) is a head (b) surrounded by involucral bracts (phyllaries). The (c) receptacle of the head | 
is flat, conic or columnar, receptacle may have chaff (palea=scale-like bracts) | 
3. Flowers: 3 types: ray flowers, disk flowers, ligulate flowers. Heads consist of (a) ligulate (strap shaped) ray | 
flowers only, (b) ray and disk flowers, or (c) disk flowers only 
4. Corolla: (a) disk flowers actinomorphic, tubular with 5 (4) teeth or lobes, ray flowers zygomorphic, 
tubular — generally (0) 3-5 teeth or lobes; Calyx: (b) pappus (sepals) — capillary bristles, plumose bristles, 
awns, scales 
5. Flowers: bisexual, unisexual or sterile; Stamens: generally 4-5, inserted on corolla tube, forming a cylinder 
around the style; Pistil: 1 
6. Ovary: inferior; Fruit: achene (sometimes called cypsela) 

a ‘oiiin 4 
Helianthus spp., Phil Krening 

Atrichoseris platyphylla, Helianthus annuus, BLM Cotula coronopifolia, Ron Wolf 
Ron Wolf Colorado 


Echinacea angustifolia, BLM Wyoming Acroptilon repens, Gerald Carr Chaenactis cusickii, Gerald Carr Tragopogon spp., Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Asteraceae Sunflower Family 43 

Chaenactis xantiana, Ron Wolf 

Artemisia cana, Phil Krening Cirsium undulatum, Ron Wolf 

oe 2. \ 

Cirsium scopulorum, Phil Krening Crepis acuminata, BLM Oregon 

44 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Asteraceae Sunflower Family 

Liatris punctata, BLM Colorado Lygodesmia doloresensis, Carol Dawson 

«> 5 “4 ‘ : ea 4 * 
net . i oa ea A a 2 hoa 
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< a Piles Se r ¥E. 
Eriophyllum pringlei, BLM California 

Erigeron pumilis, BLM Oregon . 

Ericameria paniculata, BLM Nevada . 

Xanthisma coloradoense, Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Asteraceae Sunflower Family 45 

Senecio bigelovil var. hallit, Phil Krening 

Stephanomeria virgata, Ron Wolf 

Solidago elongata, Gerald Carr Xylorhiza tortifolia, Ron Wolf Pyrrocoma apargioides, Malacothrix glabrata, 
Ron Wolf BLM California 

46 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Asteraceae Sunflower Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Berberis 

General Information 

The Berberidaceae is a relatively small family consisting primarily of herbs and shrubs. One species in 
particular — Berberis repens (syn. Mahonia repens) — is found across the West in dry, shady pine forests, oak 
woodlands, and chaparral. Because of its tolerance for aridity and its attractive densely yellow flowered 
racemes and blue-black berries, creeping Oregon-grape has become a popular plant in landscaping. Barberry 
(Berberis), barrenworts (Epimedium), and heavenly bamboo (Nandina) are popular plants in the horticultural 
trade. Molecular studies have separated the Barberry Family into three subfamilies with 14 genera and 
approximately 700 species. 

Berberis fremontii, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Berberidaceae Barberry Family 47 

Berberidoideae = Berberidaceae 

Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: alternate, generally evergreen, simple or pinnately or ternately compound, margins generally 

2. Stem: the inner bark and wood generally yellow in color 

3. Flowers: (a) consist of several whorls; Calyx: 6-12 petal-like sepals in 2 or 3 whorls; Corolla: (b) 6 petals in 
2 whorls of 3 

4, Stamens: 6 to 12 — often in 2 whorls, anthers dehiscent by flap-like valves or slits 

5. Ovary: Superior 

6. Fruit: a berry, capsule, or follicle 

Berberis repens, Phil Krening Berberis repens, Phil Krening Berberis fremontil, Caro 

Berberis aquifolium, Corey Raimond Berberis trifoliata, Patrick Alexander Berberis repens, Corey Raimond 

48 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Berberidaceae Barberry Family 

Berberis fremontii, Ron Wolf Berberis haematocarpa, Patrick Alexander 

Lf ee 
Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Berberidaceae Barberry Family 

: me. 2 nr: > 
<p Goragin 

Sa _? 7 a ~ 
Familiar Western Genera - Cryptantha, Hydrophyllum, Lithospermum, Mertensia, Myosotis, Onosma, | 

General Information 

The Boraginaceae Is a diverse family of plants with nearly a global distribution. Previously, the Boraginaceae 

and the Hydrophyllaceae were kept as separate families, due to differences in fruit type, origin of the style, ( 
and false septa within the ovary. Molecular evidence now strongly suggests that the Hydrophyllaceae are ( 
embedded in the Boraginaceae. Members of this family can grow as shrubs and trees, but in the western 
United States tend to be rough, hairy annual and perennial herbs — picture miner's candle (Cryptantha virgata). 
Many plants in this family are popular ornamentals, and some species are used to produce colorful dyes. In ( 
fact, three species of puccoons (Lithospermum) were used by Native Americans as a face paint. Sand food ( 
(Pholisma sonorae) is a parasitic plant with a buried swollen tuber that was eaten by Native Americans. The 

Borage Family consists of 135 genera and roughly 2,535 species. 

Oreocarya revealii, Phil Krening 

50 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Boraginaceae Borage or Waterleaf Family 

_,elClC rr Sle —e—o—leeeelo—o—Deee oles illic ellie, lle eellCeeelliCa (a <a<aiCelllCe,liCi—=le™EDEhRleCC—GE=E$C—=EE]™RCiCllllltisis ln 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: (a) simple or (b) pinnately divided, alternate or opposite 

2. Leaves: rough hairy, hairs have a swollen base 

3. Inflorescence: often a coiled cyme 

4. Flowers: perfect, generally actinomorphic; Corolla: (a) petals campanulate to funnel-shaped, generally 
5-lobed, appendages 5 (or 0) at top of throat; Stamens: (b) exserted from corolla in Phacelia; 
Calyx: sepals generally 5, often fused at base 

5. Ovary: superior, entire to deeply 4-lobed with a terminal or gynobasic style 

6. Fruit: nutlets or capsule. Ornamentation of the nutlets are key to the identification of some genera such 
as Cryptantha 

Lithospermum latifolium, Patrick Alexander Hydrophyllum fendleri, Gerald Carr 


Phacelia crenulata, Ron Wolf Mertensia spp., Phil Krening Amsinckia menziesii, BLM Oregon 
Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Boraginaceae Borage or Waterleaf Family 5] 


Phacelia ciliata, BLM California 

52 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Boraginaceae Borage or Waterleaf Family 

Mertensia spp., Michael Remke 


~ > 

Nemophila menziesii BLM California ae Phacelia heterophylla, BLM Colorado 



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oe io See 

Mertensia longiflora, BLM Idaho . Lithospermum ruderale, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Boraginaceae Borage or Waterleaf Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Arabis, Caulanthus, Draba, Lepidium, Physaria, Stanleya, Streptanthus 

General Information 

Plants in the Brassicaceae are probably most famous for their economic importance as vegetables, 
condiments, and ornamentals. The ancestral cabbage (Brassica oleracea) has been cultivated since ancient 
times, and is popular today as kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, broccoli, and cauliflower. Because they 
contain potent oils, mustard seeds are used to produce a wide variety of condiments from Dijon to wasabi. 
Mustards are popular ornamental plants as well — candytufts, wallflowers, dame's rocket, sweet alyssum, 

and honesty, just to name a few. In the arid western US, many are considered to be weeds and can be found 
wherever there is disturbed ground. Fun fact: Arabidopsis thaliana, a short-lived annual, was chosen as the first 
plant for genome sequencing. The 343 genera and 3,630 species that make up the Mustard Family are mostly 
annuals, biennials, perennial herbs, and shrubs. 

Cardamine cordifolia, Phil Krening 

54 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Brassicaceae Mustard Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: alternate, rarely opposite 

2. Inflorescence: generally a raceme 

3. Flowers: bisexual, actinomorphic 

4 Corolla: 4 petals forming a cross, petals often clawed; Calyx: 4 sepals 

5. Stamens: tetradynamous, generally 6 stamens in 2 whorls — 4 long (inner pair) and 2 short (outer pair) 

6. Ovary: superior 

7. Fruit: capsule, generally with a false septum (replum), a (a) silique or (b) silicle. Siliques are three times as 
long as wide and silicles are less than three times as long as wide 

Cardamine cordifolia, Phil Krening 

Arabis oregana, Gerald Carr 

Caulanthus crassicaulis, BLM Nevada Lepidium densiflorum, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Brassicaceae Mustard Family 55 

Boechera divaricarpa, Patrick Alexander 

Cardamine californica, Ron Wolf 


Erysimum asperum, Ron Wolf Caulanthus inflatus, Ron Wolf 

56 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Brassicaceae Mustard Family 

Boechera arcuata, Ron Wolf 

u wn 

apitatum var. perenne, Ron Wolf 

Streptanthus tortuosus, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Brassicaceae Mustard Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Opuntia, Carnegiea, Coryphantha, Echinocereus, Pediocactus 

General Information 

Without a doubt, the Cactaceae contains the most iconic plants of the arid landscapes of the Americas. Cacti 
have enormous appeal to specialist growers and collectors — so much so that widespread collection of these 
species has contributed to all cacti being included in Appendix 1 and 2 of the Convention on International 
Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The fruits of many species are edible as well as the stems of Opuntia 
ficus-indica which are eaten as a vegetable “nopalitos”, common in Southwestern and Mexican cuisine. Peyote 
(Lophophora williamsii) contains powerful hallucinogenic compounds and has been used by Native Americans 
of the Chihuahuan Desert and Mexico's Sierra Madre Occidental for thousands of years for its visionary 
properties. The Cactus Family includes perennials, trees, shrubs, and vines, consisting of approximately 94 
genera and 1,150 species. 


- © r . 
Sclerocactus dawsonii, Phil Krening 

58 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cactaceae Cactus Family 

OO OOOO OOOO eee. — —_ — — 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: thick and succulent 

2. Shoots or segments: smooth or tuberculate. The tubercles distinct and nipple-shaped or ridge-like 
protuberances or fused into vertical ribs 

3. Areoles: spines, flowers, and branches originate from the areoles 

4. Areoles: glochids (tufts of short barbed hairs) present, leaves absent or deciduous 

5. Flowers: with 5-50 tepals, numerous stamens spirally arranged 

6. Ovary: inferior 

7. Fruit: a berry 

Opuntia spp., Phil Krening Echinocereus triglochidiatu 
arol Dawson 

Coryphantha macromeris, BLM 
New Mexico 

Opuntia spp., Michael Remke 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cactaceae Cactus Family 59 

al fig 

Echinocactus polycephalus, Ron Wolf | Sclerocactus whipplei, Jeffrey Dawson 

60 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cactaceae Cactus Family 

: Cy E 

Echinocereus engelmannii, Ron Wolf 

Pediocactus simpsonii, Carol Dawson 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cactaceae Cactus Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Campanula, Downingia, Lobelia, Nemocladus, Triodanis 

General Information 

The Campanulaceae is made up primarily of annual and perennial herbs and a few shrubs and trees. Cultivars 
of Campanula and Lobelia are well-known garden plants. The rover bellflower (Campanula rapunculoides) is 

an escaped garden plant that is considered the scourge of many a gardener in the Rocky Mountains but is 

a heritage plant in formal gardens in Belgium. There are about 84 genera and 2,300 species in the Bellflower 
Family divided into three subfamilies. 

Campanula rotundifolia, Ron Wolf 

nn E00 Ea 

62 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Campanulaceae Bellflower Family 

SS  ——EOOOOOOOeeeEeeeee 


Identifying Characteristics 

]. Leaves: alternate, often with basal rosettes 

2. Flowers: are 5-merous, (a) actinomorphic or (b) zygomorphic, most species have a milky sap 

3. Calyx: 5 elongate to acute sepals are fused to the ovary, forming a hypanthium; Corolla: 5 (4-10) petals 
fused to form a cup-shaped or bilabiate corolla 

4. Ovary: inferior 

5. Fruit: capsule or berry 

bere 5 

Campanula rotundifolia, BLM Alaska Asyneuma prenanthoides, Gerald Carr Campanula aurita, BLM Alaska 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Campanulaceae Bellflower Family 63 

Downingia bacigalupii, Ron Wolf 

64 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Campanulaceae Bellflower Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Dipsacus, Linnaea, Lonicera, Symphoricarpos, Valeriana 

General Information 

The Caprifoliaceae is a family of shrubs, trees, vines, and herbaceous plants that are familiar components 

in temperate zones. Due to recent advances in molecular investigation the Caprifoliaceae now includes five 
subfamilies, two of which were formerly the Dipsacaceae (Teasel Family) and the Valerianaceae (Valerian 
Family). Many species are familiar plants on the landscape: honeysuckle, snowberry, twinflower, and 

teasel, just to name a few. The twin flower (Linnaea borealis) was a favorite of Linnaeus, so much so that he 
commissioned two china tea sets decorated with the twinflower. Valerian has been used as a sedative since 
ancient times. The Pied Piper of Hamlin is a medieval story published by the Brothers Grimm in which the Piper 
uses the rancid smell of the root of V. officinalis to lure rats, and then children, away from the city. There are 
approximately 28 genera and over 825 species in five subfamilies in the Honeysuckle Family. 

Symphoricarpos rotundifolius var. purshii, Naomi Fraga 

a _ 
Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family 65 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: opposite or in whorls along the stem, simple or compound, basal rosettes occur in the 
Valerianoideae; Stipules: in general do not occur 

2. Flowers: Calyx: (a) tube fused to ovary, 5-lobed; Corolla: (b) radial or bilateral, (c) rotate to cylindric, 5-lobed 

3. Ovary: inferior 

4. Fruits: berry, drupe, capsule, achene 

Symphoricarpos spp., Phil Krening Pak etal oreophilus, Symphoricarpos oreophilus var. utahensis, Gerald Carr 
Gerald Carr ee a : ae 

Lonicera ciliosa, BLM Oregon Symphoricarpos occidentalis, Lonicera involucrata, Ron Wolf 
Peter Gordon 

66 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family 

Plectritis macrocera, Ron Wolf 


Lonicera involucrata, BLM Colorado Lonicera arizonica, Patrick Alexander 
»f the West | Caprifoliaceae Hon le Family 67 

Familiar Western Genera - Arenaria, Cerastium, Dianthus, Eremogone, Gypsophila, Minuartia, Silene | 

General Information 

The Caryophyllaceae is a large family of herbaceous plants that should be familiar to everyone because 
it includes many common ornamental plants. Your run-of-the-mill carnation, found in the grocery store, 
showcases the most recognizable features of this family — a “knobby-knee” at the node. The opposite leaves 
connected by a ridge of tissue at the node create a bump that is a dead giveaway for this family. Many species ) 
are used in floral arrangements, while others are used In soap-making, bridal bouquets or the cut-flower 

industry. Several have escaped cultivation to become troublesome garden weeds. A common identifier is the 
deeply cleft or ruffled margin of the corolla, resembling how the edge of fabric might be decoratively cut or 
“pinked” in order to prevent it from fraying — leading to the name “Pink Family”. The Pink Family consists of 91 
genera and 2,625 species. 

Silene latifolia, Phil Krening ( 

68 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Caryophyllaceae Carnation or Pink Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: swollen at the nodes 

2. Leaves: opposite (sometimes appearing whorled), simple, entire, connate at the base across the node 
3. Flowers: regular, bisexual 

4. Calyx: 5 sepals, free or fused into a tube 

5. Corolla: 5 petals (4 or absent sometimes), free, fringed, deeply cleft, often clawed 

6. Stamens: usually as many or twice as many as the sepals 

7. Ovary: superior with free-central placentation or basal placentation 

8 Fruit: capsule that opens by apical teeth (rarely a utricle) 

Silene spp., Phil Krening 

Silene spp., Phil Krening 

Silene bridgesii, Ron Wolf 


Spergularia macrotheca, Ron Wolf Dianthus armeria, Corey Raimond 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Caryophyllaceae Carnation or Pink Family 69 


Dianthus armeria, Corey Raimond Minuartia obtusiloba, Ron Wo 

Silene sargentii, Ron Wolf 

ynizing Plant Families of the West | Caryophyllaceae Carnation or Pink Family 

Stellaria longipes, Ron Wolf Silene californica, Ron Wolf 

Spergularia macrotheca, Ron Wolf Arenaria hookeri, Dale Swenarton 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Caryophyllaceae Carnation or Pink Family 


Familiar Western Genera - Cleomella, Cleome, Peritoma, Polanisia 

General Information 

Annual or perennial herbs and shrubs are found in the Cleomaceae, often with glandular hairs that give the 
plants a foul smell. This family is closely related to the Caper and Mustard families but recent molecular 
evidence indicates that these families should remain separate. Rocky Mountain beeplant (Cleome serrulata) 
is often used in restoration seed mixes here in the West to attract pollinators. There are 9 genera and 346 
species in the Spiderflower Family, depending on which treatment you use. 

‘ de nis ori A 4 e” iememmmnag 
R Stet —- om : ais j 

Cleome serrulata, BLM Utah 

42. Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cleomaceae Spiderflower Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: (a) simple or (b) palmately compound, alternate on the stem 

9. Flowers: bisexual, actinomorphic or zygomorphic; Calyx: sepals 4, free or basally fused, generally 
persistant; Corolla: petals 4, free, often clawed 

3. Stamens: generally 6 (to 27) but not tetradynamous, exserted 

4. Ovary: superior, on a stalk-like receptacle (gynophore) 

5. Fruit: capsules opening by 2 valves, or 2 nutlets 

Peritoma arborea, Marlin Harms 

: J 
Cleome serrulata, Humboldt-Toiyabe 
National Forest 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cleomaceae Spiderflower Family «3 

Cleome serrulata, Carol Dawson 

Wislizenia refracta, Patrick Alexander Cleome lutea, Colorado Plateau Native Plant Program 
—. $$ Cr LLL eee 
74 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cleomaceae Spiderflower Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Calystegia, Convolulus, Cuscuta, Evolvulus, Ipomoea 

General Information 

The Convolvulaceae Is both loved and cursed because It contains commonly cultivated vegetables 
including the sweet potato (/pomoea batatas), and pervasive weeds like field bindweed (Convolulus arvensis). 
Moonflowers and morning glories have been cultivated for centuries, but not only for the beautiful vines. 
Ancient Mesoamerican shamans used the seeds in rituals and ceremonies because of their hallucinogenic 
properties. The parasitic chlorophyll-less vine Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) is also included in this family. There are 
approximately 57 genera and 1,660 species in the Morning-Glory Family of twining and trailing herbs, vines, 
shrubs, and rarely trees. 

Convolvulus spp., Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Convolvulaceae Morning-Glory Family ies 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Flowers: radial, 5-merous with a tubular, plaited corolla 

2. Calyx: (3) 5 sepals, free, persistent 

3. Corolla: showy, 5-lobed, petals fused into a plicate funnel or cup-shaped corolla. Corolla often twisted 
in bud 

4. Stamens: 5, epipetalous 

5. Ovary: superior 

6. Fruit: capsule 

Convolvulus spp., Phil Krening 

Calystegia occidentalis subsp. occidentalis, Gerald Carr Cuscuta suksdorfii Gerald Carr Convolvulus sepium, Corey Raimond 
76 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Convolvulaceae Morning-Glory Family 

mee —e 


Cuscuta denticulata, Ron Wolf |pomoea leptophylla, BLM Colorado 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Convolvulaceae Morning-Glory Family 


ye S 

fHItaceae 4, 

Familiar Western Genera - Cucurbita, Echinocystis, Marah 

| a ¥ ¥ 
a oS i 
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. rates 4 

General Information 

Members of the Cucurbitaceae are easily recognizable in the field — climbing, sprawling herbaceous plants, 
often with coarse hairy leaves. Major food crops from this family are cultivated all over the world. Well-loved 
produce including cucumbers, winter squash, summer squash, pumpkins, melons, and zucchini are all 
members of this family. The watermelon, native to Africa, may have been selected for cultivation about 4000 
years ago. Gourds have been in use as containers and musical instruments in many cultures around the world. 
In the United States, pumpkin enthusiasts compete every year in giant pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) growing 


The Cucumber Family is most diverse in the tropics and subtropics with about 97 genera and 990 species 
overall. Yet, a number of species are native to the West, including the distinctive yet unpalatable coyote melon 
(Cucurbita palmata), which is frequently spotted trailing along the roadside. 

Cucurbita spp., Phil Krening 


78 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cucurbitaceae Cucumber Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: climbing and trailing vines, rarely shrubs 

2. Leaves: simple, alternate, (a) generally palmately lobed, petiolate, (b) tendrils at the node 

3. Leaves: generally coarsely hairy 

4. Flowers: unisexual, radial, with a hypanthium; Calyx: 5-lobed; Corolla: cup to bell-shaped, 5-lobed 
5. Stamens: 3-5, in male flowers stamens are united and twisted by their filaments 

6. Ovary: inferior 

7. Fruit: berry or a dry berry with a thick rind (pepo) 

Cucurbita spp., Phil Krening 
PO ee > 

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Cucurbita spp., Phil Krening 

i ’ ; : a 
/ . “ > 
« * i iti 

Cucurbita spp., Phil Krening Cucurbita spp., Phil Krening Cucurbita palmata, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cucurbitaceae Cucumber Family 19 

5 x 

Marah spp., Bryant Baker 

Marah oreganus, Gerald Carr 

80 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cucurbitaceae Cucumber Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Carex, Cyperus, Eleocharis, Eriophorum, Kobresia, Schoenoplectus, Scirpus 

General Information 

A common refrain from childhood is “sedges have edges”, describing the triangular, solid stems of the grass- 
like herbs found in the Cyperaceae. Sedges are annual and perennial plants of wet ground and aquatic habitats. 
The perennial taxa usually have rhizomes and stolons that are important for identification. Sedges have a 
worldwide distribution, absent only from Antarctica. Perhaps the most well-known plant within this family is 
Papyrus or Paper Reed (Cyperus papyrus), used by the ancient Egyptians to make papyrus more than 5000 
years ago. The stems of bulrushes (Schoenoplectus spp.) have been used for rafts and boats, water and sewage 
treatment, and for weaving mats and baskets. The genus Carex is not only an ornamental used in water garden 
plantings but along with other sedges plays an important role in filtering water in wetland ecosystems. The 

fruits are an important food for birds and other animals. To be successful in determining the species, be sure 

that you have the mature perigynium surrounding the fruit. There are approximately 100 genera and 5,500 

species in the Sedge Family divided into two subfamilies. 

Carex elynoides, Matt Lavin 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cyperaceae Sedge Family 81 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: triangular (sometimes terete) 

2. Leaves: usually linear, basal, cauline, spirally arranged in 3 ranks 

3. Leaves: usually with a closed sheathing base 

4. Flowers: perfect or imperfect, without a perianth or with bristle-like scales 

5, Floret: subtended by a chaffy bract and arranged in spikelets 

6. Stamens: usually 3 

7. Ovary: superior, sometimes enveloped by a membrane called a perigynium (e.g. Carex species) 
8. Fruit: is an achene (2-3 sided) 

nsis, BLM Wyoming  Bolboschoenus maritimus, Phil Krening 

Carex mertensii, Gerald Carr 

Carex nebrascensis, Gerald Carr Carex aboriginum, BLM Idaho 

82 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cyperaceae Sedge Family 

Carex aboriginum, BLM Idaho 

Carex pachystachya, BLM Alaska 

Carex hoodii, BLM Utah 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cyperaceae Sedge Family 

Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, Chicago Botanic Garden Carex utriculata, BLM Alaska 
eee ee EEE eee 

84 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Cyperaceae Sedge Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Arctostaphylos, Chimaphila, Erica, Kalmia, Pterospora, Pyrola, Vaccinium 

General Information 

The Ericaceae is found primarily in temperate and subtropical zones of the northern and southern 
hemispheres. Plants in this family include shrubs, small trees, and perennial herbs. Rhododendrons, with 
their showy flowers and glossy evergreen leaves, are top-sellers in the horticulture industry. Major fruit crops 
are blueberries and cranberries. Two of the seven subfamilies include herbaceous perennials with evergreen 
leaves (wintergreens) and parasites lacking chlorophyll. The signature species in western North America 

are the manzanitas (Arctostaphylos spp.). These shrubs and small trees are one of the dominant woody 
components of the California chaparral. Manzanitas are eye-catching with their red stems, waxy green foliage 
and peeling bark. As a result of molecular data, the Heath Family has 126 genera and 4,250 species divided 
among seven subfamilies. 


Kalmiopsis leachiana, Michael Kauffmann 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Ericaceae Heath Family 



Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: bark often peeling on stems 

2. Leaves: simple and alternate, opposite or whorled 

3. Leaves: (a) evergreen or deciduous, more or less leathery, (b) sometimes needle-like, (c) scale-like leaves 
without chlorophyll in the Beechdrops subfamily (Monotropoideae) 

4. Flowers: regular, bisexual; Calyx: 4-5 sepals, fused at the base; Corolla: 4-5 petals, free or fused into a 
bell-shaped, cylindric, or urn-shaped corolla 

5. Stamens: 8-10; anthers dehisce by pores or slits 

6. Ovary: superior or inferior. Disk-like nectary present at ovary base 

7. Fruit: capsule, drupe, or berry 

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Corey 

Pterospora andr 

Phil Krening 

Chimaphila menziesii, Ron Wolf Moneses uniflora, Corey Raimond — Arctostaphylos viscida, BLM California 

86 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Ericaceae Heath Family ' 

Chimaphila menziesii Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Ericaceae Heath Family 

Cassiope mertensiana, Patrick Alexander 

Vaccinium ovatum, BLM California Sarcodes sanguinea, Ron Wolf 

88 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Ericaceae Heath Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Chamaesyce, Croton, Euphorbia, Tragia 

General Information 

The Euphorbiaceae is very large and diverse. Cosmopolitan in distribution, it can be found across the globe 
excluding only the cold regions in the Arctic and Antarctic. The herbs, shrubs, and trees in this family are often 
succulent and sometimes cactus-like, but all have a milky or colored latex. One of the most recognizable plants 
in this group is the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) — traditionally grown as an ornamental at Christmas time. 
The seeds of castor beans (Ricinus communis) are pressed to make castor oil. Ricin is a poison that is made 
from castor beans famously used in 1978 in London by Bulgaria's secret police to assassinate a Bulgarian 
dissident with a special umbrella that injected the ricin pellet. Rubber comes from the Juice of Hevea. Tapioca 
root, yuca or manioc comes from the root of Manihot esculenta — an important source of starch for people 
living in the tropics. Across the West, leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), a native of Eurasia, has invaded large 
areas spreading by rhizomes. The Spurge Family is divided into four subfamilies with 210 genera and 6,252 

Euphorbia esula, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family 89 


Identifying Characteristics 

]. Leaves: generally simple, alternate or opposite with stipules 

2. Plants: milky or colored latex, sometimes clear, watery sap 

3. Flowers: unisexual, more or less actinomorphic; Perianth: often absent; Calyx: absent or (2-6 sepals), free 
or fused; Corolla: petals often 0 

4. Inflorescence: in Euphorbia and related genera (subfamily Euphorbioideae) the inflorescence is composed 
of separate stamens and a single pistil enclosed by fused involucre bracts in a cup-like structure 
(cyathium). The cyathium may have petaloid appendages and nectar glands. 

5. Ovary: superior, trilocular 

6. Fruit: capsule 


erald Carr 

Euphorbia lathyris, Gerald Carr 

90 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family 

ae = 

Euphorbia brachycera, Phil Krening 

Euphorbia brachycera, Patrick Alexander Chamaesyce missurica, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family 


Rees yore ame hin os 

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General Information 

The Fabaceae is a family of major economic importance. Vegetable crops such as soybeans, peanuts, garden 
peas, fava beans, string beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, mung beans, lentils, 
and chickpeas are just a few crops that provide both protein and minerals to humans around the world. Several 
species are used as fodder, forage, and as a green manure to enrich nutrient-poor soils through nitrogen-fixing 
Rhizobium bacteria. Edible roots, spices and flavorings, teas, dyes, soaps, perfumes, brooms, beads, wood, 
garden ornamentals, shade trees, poisons, and hallucinogens are all products from plants in the fabulous 

Milkvetch (Astragalus) is perhaps the most interesting genus in the Fabaceae. It is similar to Eriogonum as 

it has adapted to arid habitats, with many edaphic endemics in the West. Rupert C. Barneby completed a 
comprehensive revision of the genus Astragalus in North America. On western rangelands some species of 
Astragalus and Oxytropis are toxic to livestock. Numerous Astragalus species are selenophytes — concentrating 
the element selenium in their tissues. Selenium is returned to the soil to be taken up by grasses and other 
herbs. Two diseases related to selenium poisoning are known as alkali disease and blind staggers. 

Traditionally the Pea Family was divided into three families or subfamilies: Mimosoideae (Mimosa Family), 
Caesalpinioideae (Senna Family), and the Papilionoideae (Fabaceae). Based on the most current molecular 
evidence, the 745 genera and 16,020 species have been formally classified into six subfamilies. The three 
subfamilies that apply to the western US are described here. 

Astragalus emoryanus, Patrick Alexander. 

92 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Fabaceae Pea Family 

Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: woody or herbaceous, often with root nodules containing nitrogen fixing bacteria 

2. Leaves: usually alternate, sometimes opposite, mostly compound — (a) pinnate or bipinnate, 
(b) sometimes palmately compound or trifoliolate, leaves rarely simple, stipules present 

3. Flowers: perfect, actinomorphic or zygomorphic; Calyx: (a) sepals generally 5, distinct or fused into a tube 
that is somewhat bilabiate; Corolla: (b) petals 5, distinct or connate to form a lobed tube or differentiated 
into a papilionaceous corolla. The papilionaceous corolla consists of 5 petals — the banner or standard 
(largest), 2 lateral petals (wings), and the 2 innermost petals forming a keel that encloses the stamens 
and pistil. 

4. Stamens: most commonly 10 or many (sometimes 5), free or fused or 10 with 9 filaments fused and 1 
filament free (9+1) 

5. Ovary: superior, composed of a single carpel 

6. Fruit: (a & b) legume or (c) loment — if breaking transversely in segments 


Mimosoideae - plants mainly woody, flowers with radial symmetry, calyx and corolla generally 
inconspicuous, stamens ten or many, often long-exserted, leaves mostly bipinnately compound, flowers 
hypogynous or slightly perigynous 

Familiar western genera: Acacia, Albizia, Calliandra, Desmanthus, Prosopis 

Caesalpinioideae - flowers generally bilateral (radial), leaves usually bipinnate to pinnately 
compound (simple in Cercis), filaments distinct 

Familiar western genera: Caesalpinia, Cercis, Gleditzia, Parkinsonia, Senna 

Papilionoideae - upper petal (banner) outside lateral ones (wings) in bud, stamens generally with all 
or 9 filaments fused around ovary (free in Thermopsis, Pickeringia, Calla) 

Familiar western genera: Amorpha, Astragalus, Dalea, Lupinus, Oxytropis, Psorothamnus, Trifolium 


Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Fabaceae Pea Family 93 

Lupinus kingii, Patrick Alexander 

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Hedysarum boreale, Gerald Carr 

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Astragalus lutosus, Phil Krening 

Lupinus rivularis, BLM 

94 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Fabaceae Pea Family 


Astragalus lutosus, Jeffrey Daw 


iy : TUNES 

Hedysarum boreale, Caro! Dawson | Dalea ornata, BLM Idaho 

Caesalpinia gilliesii, Patrick Alexander Calliandra eriophylla, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Fabaceae Pea Family 

Acmispon grandiflorus, Bryant Baker Prosopis pubescens, Peter Gordon 

Lupinus rivularis, BLM California Lupinus pusillus, Patrick Alexander 

96 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Fabaceae Pea Family 

Trifolium parryi, Ron Wolf 

Lathyrus graminifolius, Patrick Alexander 


Senna wislizeni, Patrick Alexander Trifolium andersonii subsp. beatleyae, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Fabaceae Pea Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Garrya 

General Information 

The Garryaceae is a small family of evergreen dioecious shrubs and trees. The two genera that comprise this 
family are disjunct: Garrya is found in western North America while Aucuba only occurs in East Asia. Garrya is a 
component of the California chaparral but also occurs in pine-oak woodland, desert, dune, and montane forest 
habitats. There are 2 genera with 19 species in the Silk Tassel Family. 


; Se 
Garrya wrightii, Patrick Alexander 

98 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Garryaceae Silk Tassel Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: unisexual trees and shrubs 

2. Leaves: evergreen, opposite, leathery with the petioles connate at the base at the node 

3. Inflorescence: catkin-like, pendulous, flowers occur in axils of opposite, basally fused bracts 

4. Flowers: unisexual, actinomorphic; (a) Staminate flowers: single perianth of 4 tepals with 4 stamens 
that alternate with the tepals; (b) Pistillate flowers: perianth parts 0 or reduced to two small appendages 

| 5. Ovary: inferior 

| 6. Fruit: berry (a) green, fleshy that changes to (b) dark-blue, black, or white-gray at maturity 

TF: q 
Le Ad \ 

Garrya elliptica, Gerald Carr 

iia # 

Garrya congdonii, BLM California Garrya congdonil, BLM California 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Garryaceae Silk Tassel Family 99 

Garrya wrightil, Patrick Alexander 

Garrya flavescens, BLM Nevada Garrya ovata, Patrick Alexander 

Garrya ovata subsp. goldmanii, Patrick Alexander 
pe eee 
100 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Garryaceae Silk Tassel Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Frasera, Gentiana, Gentianella, Gentianopsis, Swertia, Zeltnera 

General Information 

At one time, the Gentianaceae was thought to consist only of herbaceous plants and a few woody shrubs. As 
a result of recent molecular work, this family now includes a few tropical trees and woody vines. The iridescent 
blue flowers common in this family are a familiar sight in montane and temperate zones. The gentian 
Eustoma grandiflorum is used extensively in the cut flower industry and is called ‘lisianthus’ by your florist. A 
tall yellow flowered gentian (Gentiana lutea) is harvested for its root and is the source of the bitter flavoring in 
Angostura bitters. The same gentian root provides the bitter notes in Campari, Aperol, Cinzano vermouth, and 
other liqueurs used as staples in classic Negroni, Old-Fashioned, and Manhattan cocktails. In the West, the 
monument plant (Frasera speciosa) is one of the most conspicuous members of this family. In mast years, 
when conditions are favorable, hundreds of elongated inflorescences of this monocarpic perennial may be 
seen towering up to two meters out of the montane scrub. There are approximately 101 genera and 1,690 
species in the Gentian Family all with opposite leaves and regular bisexual flowers. 

Gentianella amarella, Ron Wolf 

a ge ee A a 
Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Gentianaceae Gentian Family 101 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: opposite leaves (rarely whorled or alternate), without stipules 

2. Leaves: basally connate (connected with a line across the node) 

3. Flowers: (a) 4 or (b) 5-merous 

4. Flowers: perfect, regular; Calyx: sepals fused; Corolla: petals fused into a bell-shaped, tubular or 
funnel-shaped corolla 

5. Ovary: superior 

6. Fruit: a capsule 

Swertia perennis, Ron Wolf 

Gentianella amarella, Ron Wolf 

2 a : > 
Gentiana andrewsii, Corey Raimond 

102 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Gentianaceae Gentian Family 

Gentiana prostrata, Ron Wolf 


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Frasera speciosa, Michael Remke Gentiana algida, Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Gentianaceae Gentian Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Erodium, Geranium, Pelargonium 

General Information 

The Geraniaceae is a family of annual or perennial herbs and shrubs. Hybrids and cultivars of Pelargonium 
spring up in all manner of containers, hanging baskets, and gardens around May 31st as the flower of choice 
for the summer gardener. Geranium oil is used as a flavoring in the food industry, hybridizers have created 
scented pelargoniums that are used in simple syrups and infusions. Not all members of this family are highly 
sought-after though, Erodium cicutarium, commonly known as redstem filaree or storksbill, is a widespread 
weed in open, disturbed sites across the West. Due to their recognizable leaf pattern and unique method of 
seed dispersal, species belonging to the genus Geranium are easily identifiable. There are 5 genera and about 
650 species in the Geranium Family. 

Geranium richardsonii, Phil Krening 

104 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Geraniaceae Geranium or Crane’s-bill Family 

ee ee 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: alternate or opposite, generally palmately lobed or deeply divided 

2. Leaves: more or less with simple or glandular hairs 

3. Flowers: 5-merous, perfect, actinomorphic (sometimes zygomorphic); (a) Calyx: sepals 5; (b) Corolla: 
petals 5, can be clawed 

4. Ovary: superior 

9. Fruit: schizocarp, splitting into 5 mericarps that curl up on a central beak 

Geranium caespitosum, Patrick Alexander Geranium molle, Gerald Carr 

Geranium viscosissimum, BLM Utah Geranium viscossisimum, Gerald Carr Geranium dodecatheoides, 
Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Geraniaceae Geranium or Crane's-bill Family 105 

Geranium lentum, Patrick Alexander 

Erodium cicutarium, Corey Raimond 

Erodium cicutarium, Ron Wolf 

Geranium viscosissimum, BLM Montana Geranium molle, Ron Wolf 

106 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Geraniaceae Geranium or Crane’s-bill Family 

Geranium dodecatheoides, Patrick Alexander 

Geranium richardsonii, Peter Gordon Geranium caespitosum, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Geraniaceae Geranium or Crane's-bill Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Ribes 

General Information 

The Grossulariaceae is quite economically important, long cultivated for their delicious fruits: blackcurrants, 
redcurrants, golden currants, gooseberries are used in jams, syrups, juice, and as a source of pectin. The 
liqueur made from blackcurrants — creme de cassis — was mixed with white wine to create the drink known 
as the Kir for mayor Felix Kir of Dijon, France after WWII. A serious disease of white pines — white pine blister 
rust — is caused by the fungus Cronartium ribicola Fisch. The life cycle of this rust fungus requires alternation 
among white pines and currants and gooseberries in the genus Ribes. Several other rust fungi also infect Ribes. 
Shrubs of this family are found throughout montane pine woodlands, riparian areas, and the sub-alpine. The 
Gooseberry Family consists of about 150 species of shrubs all in the genus Ribes. 

Ribes cereum, Patrick Alexander 

108 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: woody shrubs, often spiny 

2. Leaves: alternate, lobed or palmately cleft, clustered on short lateral branchlets (fascicled) 

3. Flowers: (a) perfect, radial with rotate to (b) tubular hypanthium; Calyx: sepals 5, petaloid; Corolla: 
petals 5, inserted near top of hypanthium 

4 Ovary: inferior 

5. Fruit: (a) a berry, (b) crowned by persistent perianth 

Ribes leptanthum, Ron Wolf Ribes pinetorum, Patrick Alexander 


Ribes montigenum, Gerald Carr Ribes malvaceum, Bryant Baker Ribes sanguineum, BLM Oregon 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family 109 

Ribes cereum, BLM California 

Ribes pinetorum, Patrick Alexander Ribes speciosum, Ron Wolf 

Ribes aureum, BLM Oregon 

ie % 
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Familiar Western Genera - Fendlera, Fendlerella, Jamesia, Philadelphus, Whipplea 

General Information 

The Hydrangeaceae includes herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and vines. Many of the species are valued garden 
ornamentals — hydrangeas are low maintenance shrubs with terminal cymes of colorful flowers that are also 
used in bouquets. Out West, mock oranges (Philadelphus microphyllus) have a jasmine scent and have been 
used in perfume. There are approximately 10 genera and 223 species in the Hydrangea Family, divided into two 
subfamilies; Hydrangeoideae and Jamesioideae. 

Fendlera rupicola, Michael Remke 


Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea Family 11 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: bark peeling or in narrow strips 

2. Leaves: simple, opposite (rarely whorled or alternate). Opposite leaves are joined by a line across the 
stem formed by sheathing petiole bases, stipules absent 

3. Flowers: bisexual, actinomorphic — sometimes flowers on inflorescence margin sterile and enlarged; 
Calyx: (a) sepals 4-5 (10), free or basally fused; Corolla: (b) petals 4-5 (10), basally or completely fused 

4. Stamens: 4-numerous, usually 2x the number of petals 

5. Ovary: wholly or partially inferior 

6. Fruit: loculicidal or septicidal capsule, sometimes a berry 

Philadelphus lewisii, Gerald Carr 

Philadelphus lewisii, Gerald Carr Jamesia americana, Philadelphus microphyllus, 
Phil Krening Phil Krening 

Philadelphus microphyllus, Phil Krening 

LZ Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea Family 


Philadelphus microphyllus, BLM Utah 

Whipplea modesta, Gerald Carr Jamesia americana, Mary Burns Fendlera rupicola, Matt Lavin 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea Family kis 

Familiar Western Genera - Juncus, Luzula 

General Information 

The Juncaceae is a family of grass-like, terrestrial herbs with erect or creeping rhizomes and fibrous roots. 
Rushes are found primarily in wet or damp habitats. Plants in this family generally have very little economic 
value, though some species are used in basket-making and as fuel. The Rush Family consists of 7 genera and 
approximately 460 species. 

Juncus arcticus, Phil Krening 

114 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Juncaceae Rush Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: scapose, terete 

2. Inflorescence: (a) generally consists of head-like clusters, with bracts subtending the inflorescence 
branches, (b) bractlets subtend each flower in the inflorescence 

3. Leaves: generally basal, tufted, linear, sheath margins fused or overlapping 

4. Flowers: generally bisexual, actinomorphic 

5. Perianth: composed of 6 tepals, greenish, reddish-brown, to purple-black — often membranous or chaffy; 
Stamens: 3 or 6 

6. Ovary: superior 

7. Fruit: loculicidal capsule 

Juncus longistylis, Matt Lavin 

Juncus mertensianus, Gerald Carr Juncus nevadensis, BLM Oregon 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Juncaceae Rush Family Hohe 

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Luzula comosa, BLM California 

Juncus baliticus, Matt Lavin 
eee ee 
116 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Juncaceae Rush Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Agastache, Lamium, Mentha, Monarda, Monardella, Poliomentha, Salvia, 

General Information 

The Lamiaceae Is a large cosmopolitan family of aromatic herbs, shrubs, and a few trees. Mints are important 
economically — valued for their fragrant oils. Herbaceous plants in this family include the kitchen herbs: basil, 
oregano, sage, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, peppermint, and spearmint. Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) calms 
the body and was traditionally used in Roman baths. The perfume industry uses the oil from Pogostemon cablin 
to produce patchouli. Spearmint leaves are key ingredients in mojitos and mint juleps. Pollinators, including 
bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds are drawn to Salvia and Agastache and other popular garden ornamentals 
in this family. The wood from teak (Tectona grandis) is used for building boats, furniture, and flooring. 

The Mint Family historically included herbs and shrubs, recognizable as plants with opposite leaves and a 
4-lobed ovary with a gynobasic style. The inclusion of tropical tree species has altered these characters a 
bit. The Mint Family consists of approximately 241 genera and more than 6,800 species divided into five 
subfamilies. The field recognition characters apply to the plants in subfamily Lamioideae. 

Stachys tenuifolia, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Lamiaceae Mint Family iPr 

Lamioideae = Lamiaceae 

Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: 4-angled “square” in cross-section — especially young stems and branches 

2. Leaves: generally opposite (sometimes whorled), gland-dotted or with glandular hairs 

3. Flowers: generally bisexual, almost always zygomorphic and bilabiate 

4. Calyx: 5-lobed sepals, often unequal in size, fused at base; Corolla: 5 petals fused into a 2-lipped corolla 
5. Stamens: generally 4, with two longer (didynamous), epipetalous 

6. Ovary: superior — generally 4-lobed, with a gynobasic style or a single style on top of an unlobed ovary 
7. Fruit: capsule 

Salvia spp., Phil Krening Salvia spp., Phil Krening 

Physostegia parviflora, Gerald Carr 

Salvia farinacea, Patrick Alexander 

118 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Lamiaceae Mint Family 

Lamium amplexicaule, Patrick Alexander Hedeoma nana, Patrick Alexander 

Blephilia hirsuta, Patrick Alexander Hedeoma drummondii, Patrick Alexander 

Agastache urticifolia, BLM UCBG Hedeoma todsenii, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Lamiaceae Mint Family 



cod A 

osa subsp. franciscana, BLM California Mentha arvensis, Chicago Botanic Garden 

Salvia leucophylla, Bryant Baker 

Salvia sonomensis, BLM California 
120 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Lamiaceae Mint Family 


Familiar Western Genera - Calochortus, Erythronium, Fritillaria, Lilium, Lloydia, Streptopus 

General Information 

Dr. Arthur Cronquist circumscribed the Liliaceae very broadly, recognizing at least 30 segregate families. The 
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group has provided the molecular evidence to have the Liliaceae comprise a family of 
perennial herbs growing from underground bulbs and creeping rhizomes. 

Today the Liliaceae are the bread and butter plants of the flower bulb industry of the Netherlands. In particular 
the tulip has been a highly coveted commodity since the first plants were stolen from the garden of Carolus 
Clusius in Leiden, Holland. ‘Tulipomania’ raged in Holland between 1634 and 1637, with tulips becoming the 
ultimate status symbol for those obsessed with the flowers. Just like the stock market, the market value of 
tulips continued to rise culminating in a spectacular crash. Imagine paying the equivalent of £80,000 for 12 
bulbs of ‘Semper Augustus’. After the tulip market crashed, artists produced cartoons depicting the madness 
of tulipomania. The most famous is Flora’s Chariot of Fools, with Flora holding three of the most coveted 
tulips with her companions, Hoard-it-All and Vain Hope. Plants in the Lily Family are absent from the southern 
hemisphere and there are 15 genera with approximately 700 species. 

Lilium columbianum, Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Liliaceae Lily Family 121 


Identifying Characteristics 

]. Plants: perennials from bulbs or rhizomes 

2. Leaves: basal or cauline, (a) alternate, (b) sometimes appearing opposite or whorled 

3. Flowers: bisexual, actinomorphic, with the perianth composed of 6 free tepals in two whorls 
4. Stamens: 6 (rarely 3) 

5. Ovary: superior (to partly inferior), usually trilocular 

6. Fruit: capsule or berry 

iS) ane Psu 

Streptopus lanceolatus, Gerald Carr 

Fritillaria gentneri, Luke Wimmer 

Calochortus umbellatus, Ron Wolf Lilium spp., Phil Krening 

W222 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Liliaceae Lily Family 

Clintonia andrewsiana, Ron Wolf Lilium superbum, Jeffrey Dawson Calochortus nuttallii, Ron Wolf 

Calochortus pulchellus, Ron Wolf Calochortus uniflorus, Ron Wolf 

Scoliopus bigelovii, Ron Wolf 

* f# 

Lloydia serotina, Matt Lavin 


Fritillaria camschatcensis, BLM Alaska Erythronium americanum, Patrick Alexander 

124 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Liliaceae Lily Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Eucnide, Mentzelia, Petalonyx 

General Information 

The Loasaceae Is a family of herbs or shrubs, often covered with needle-like, barbed, or stinging hairs. This 
plant family was one of the favorites of American botanist Dr. Arthur Cronquist. In fact, in 1992, he passed 
away from heart failure while studying herbarium specimens of Mentzelia at Brigham Young University in Utah. 
The Blazingstar Family is mostly found in the western parts of the New World and is quite common in the arid 
southwestern United States and Mexico, and includes about 20 genera and 308 species. 

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Mentzelia torreyi Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Loasaceae Stickleaf or Blazingstar Family N25 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: (a) alternate (sometimes opposite), (b) more or less pinnately lobed 

2. Plants: with “barbed” pagoda-like hairs, needle-like hairs, sometimes stinging hairs (Mentzelia lacks 
stinging hairs) 

3. Flowers: are bisexual, actinomorphic; Calyx: (a) sepals generally 5 (4-8), persistent in fruit; Corolla: 
(b) petals generally 5 (as many as sepals), free or fused to each other 

4. Stamens: (a) 5-10 to many, filaments of stamens thread-like to flat, staminodia common — modified to 
be filiform, petal-like 

5. Ovary: inferior 

6. Fruit: capsule with persistent sepals or achene 

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Mentzelia laevicaulis, BLM Idaho 

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Mentzelia humilis var. humilis, Patrick Alexander — Mentzelia albicaulis, Gerald Carr Mentzelia albicaulis, Ron Wolf —— 

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Mentzelia reflexa, Ron Wolf Mentzelia decapetala, BLM Wyoming 

126 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Loasaceae Stickleaf or Blazingstar Family 

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Mentzelia torreyi, Ron Wolf 

Eucnide urens, Ron Wolf Eucnide urens, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Loasaceae Stickleaf or Blazingstar Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Ammannia, Lythrum, Punica, Rotala 

General Information 

The Lythraceae consists of herbs, shrubs, and trees; including, a mix of important economic species, such 

as pomegranates, water chestnuts, and henna, bedding plants, and an aggressive Eurasian native that is 

a troublesome invasive along waterways in North America. The pomegranate (Punica granatum) has been 
cultivated in the Middle East and the Mediterranean since its origins in ancient Persia. Pomegranate juice 
has high levels of antioxidants and vitamins C and K, quite popular today as part of a healthy lifestyle. The 
syrup made from the fruit is the original source of grenadine, initially used as a sweetener for water before 
becoming an essential ingredient in cocktails. The hand-thrown grenade was actually named for its similarity 
to the pomegranate fruit; ‘grenade’ is an old French word for pomegranate. In North America, purple loosestrife 
(Lythrum salicaria) is an invasive species found along ponds and waterways. This species is atop many a 
noxious weed list, hopefully to be eradicated in the near future. There are 30 genera and approximately 600 
species in the Loosestrife Family. 

Lythrum salicaria, Jon Rikberg 

128 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Lythraceae Loosestrife Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: cylindric or 4-angled (on woody twigs) 

2. Leaves: generally opposite, simple, entire (can be alternate, whorled) 

3. Flowers: bisexual, generally actinomorphic, 4 or 6-merous with a tube-shaped hypanthium that is 
leathery or membranous 

4. Calyx: (a) sepals occur as 4-6 (sometimes 8) lobes on the hypanthium, epicalyx lobes alternate sepals; 
Corolla: (b) petals 4-6 (rarely 0), inserted on inner rim of hypanthium, petals often crumpled in bud 

5. Stamens: equal to or 2x the number of petals or sepals 

6. Ovary: superior 

7. Fruit: dry capsule or leathery berry 

Ammannia robusta, Gerald Carr 

“ees a , 
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Pf e . 7 

Lythrum salicaria, Gerald Carr Cuphea viscossisima, Patrick Alexander _ Rotala ramosior, Corey Raimond 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Lythraceae Loosestrife Family 129 


Rotala ramosior, Patrick 


Lythrum californicum, Ron Wolf 

Lythrum californicum, Sue Carnahan Lythrum salicaria, Corey Raimond 

130 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Lythraceae Loosestrife Family 

cf iia y | > | 3 
Bi e's @ on wd @o ik wae wae A | ‘ 
San WS det tn Pa Be 

Familiar Western Genera - Abutilon, Callirhoe, Fremontodendron, Malacothamnus, Malva, Sidalcea, 


General Information 

The Malvaceae Is a diverse family of annual and perennial herbs, shrubs, and trees. At first glance it is probably 
one of the easiest plant families to recognize due to the unique arrangement of the reproductive parts of the 
flower, familiar to anyone who has looked at a hibiscus. Cotton, jute, cacao, kola nuts, durian, roselle, Kapok, 
balsa wood, linden trees, baobabs, and numerous ornamental species are now grouped together in the Mallow 
Family. The mucilaginous sap of A/thaea officinalis was first used to make marshmallows. The durian, known as 
“the king of the fruits” is a large fruit with an unbelievably foul stench, that is a favorite food of elephants, tigers, 
Asian rhinos, orangutans, and sun bears. Familiar in West, the bright orange flowers of scarlet globemallow 
(Spheralcea coccinea) are sometimes known by the unusual common name “cowboy’s delight” — thought to be 
an homage to the splash of color these flowers bring to an otherwise arid and austere landscape. There are 
approximately 244 genera and 4,225 species separated into nine subfamilies. Stellate or branched hairs, along 
with a mucilaginous sap, are common to the plants in all nine subfamilies in the Mallow Family. 

Sphaeralcea coccinea, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Malvaceae Mallow Family 131 

EEE, !lUrtrtC=<i<i‘i‘ }W®#~:.C~”:C” 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: alternate, simple, or palmately-lobed or compound with petioles 
2. Flowers: bisexual and actinomorphic, epicalyx often present below, subtending the flower 
3. Calyx: (a) 5 sepals generally fused at the base; Corolla: (b) 5 petals free or fused at the base to 
filament column 
4. Stamens: 5 to many, filaments fused for most of the length into a tube around the style (monadelphous) 
5. Ovary: superior 
6. Fruit: capsule or schizocarp that splits into mericarps (looks like a cheese-wheel) 

Hibiscus spp., Phil Krening 

ie a | 
lliamna rivularis, Gerald Carr Sphaeralcea angustifolia, 
BLM California 

Anoda pentaschista, Pa trick Alexander Sphaeralcea ambigua, BLM Arizona 

2 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Malvaceae Mallow Family 

Fremontodendron californicum, Ron Wolf Anoda cristata, Patrick Alexander 

Callirhoe involucrata, Phil Krening 

Eremalche rotundifolia, Ron Wolf . Abutilon parvulum, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Malvaceae Mallow Family es 

Malva neglecta, Gerald Carr 

Sidalcea oregana, Ron Wolf 

134 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Malvaceae Mallow Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Calyptridium, Claytonia, Lewisia, Montia 

General Information 

In western North America, plants in the Montiaceae are usually fleshy annual or perennial herbs. Bitterroot 
(Lewisia rediviva) is named in honor of Captain Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Members 

of the Shoshone tribe used the starchy roots of bitterroot as a staple food. Sometimes referred to as “miner's 
lettuce”, the leaves of Claytonia perfoliata were also eaten as a salad by both Native Americans and the miners 
of California's gold rush. Lewisias’ are popular plants for rock gardens and trough gardens. There are about 10 
genera and 295 species in the Miner's Lettuce Family. 

Lewisia longipetala, Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Montiaceae Miner's Lettuce Family 135 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: alternate, opposite or basal though generally in a basal rosette 

2. Flowers: perfect, actinomorphic 

3. Calyx: sepals generally 2 (to 8), free; Corolla: petals (2) 4-19, free or basally fused, overlapping in bud 
4. Stamens: as many as the petals and generally opposite them 

5. Ovary: generally superior 

6. Fruit: circumscissle or valvate capsule 

Lewisia rediviva Ron Wolf 

Montia chamissoi, Ron Wolf Claytonia lanceolata, Gerald Carr 

136 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Montiaceae Miner's Lettuce Family 

Lewisia rediviva, Ron Wolf 

oggil, Ron Wolf 

Lewisia tweedyi, Corey Raimond 

Calandrinia ciliata, Corey Raimond Claytonia perfoliata, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Montiaceae Miner's Lettuce Family 137 

Familiar Western Genera - Abronia, Allionia, Mirabilis, Tripterocalyx 

General Information 

Plants in the Nyctaginaceae are annual or perennial herbs or shrubs. Well-known in warmer climates, brightly 
colored bougainvilleas are frequently used in landscaping as decorative hedges. The flowers of the popular 
garden ornamental Mirabilis jalapa open in the evening and are commonly known as “four-o'clocks”. Out West, 
be on the look-out for sand-verbenas, windmills, four-o'clocks, and sandpuffs on the landscape. The Four- 
o'clock Family includes about 27 genera and 355 species. 

Mirabilis alipes, Phil Krening 

138 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Nyctaginaceae Four-o’clock Family 



Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: usually swollen at the nodes 

2. Leaves: generally opposite, sessile or with petioles, pairs generally unequal in size 

3. Bracts: can form a brightly colored calyx-like involucre in the inflorescence 

4. Flowers: bisexual, generally actinomorphic (sometimes zygomorphic) 

5. Perianth: consists of 1 whorl; Corolla: 0; Calyx: generally 5-lobed, petal-like, with ‘tepals’ fused into funnel, 
bell to trumpet shaped perianth. The lower part of the perianth tightly surrounds the developing ovary. 

6. Fruits: (a) an accessory fruit known as an anthocarp (an achene or utricle enclosed in the hardened base 
of the perianth), (b) often ribbed or winged, glandular or not 

Mirabilis multiflora, Phil Krening Mirabilis jalapa, Phil Krening 

Acleisanthes lanceolata, Patrick Alexander Tripterocalyx micranthus, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Nyctaginaceae Four-o'clock Family 139 

Mirabilis alipes, Phil Krening 

All All 

. ‘ 


Abronia villosa, Ron Wolf Nyctaginia capitata, Patrick Alexander 

140 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Nyctaginaceae Four-o'clock Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Forestiera, Fraxinus, Ligustrum, Menodora 

General Information 

Plants in the Oleaceae are mostly trees and shrubs with some woody vines, that typically have opposite leaves. 
Economically, the olive (Olea europaea) is the most important crop. However lilacs, forsythia, and jasmine are 
popular garden ornamentals. The wood of Fraxinus excelsior has been used for baseball bats, hockey sticks, 
polo mallets, and tennis racquets. The destructive emerald ash borer is a non-native, wood-boring beetle that is 
responsible for the death or decline of tens of millions of ash trees in North America. In the West, New Mexico 
olive (Forestiera pubescens) with its blue-black berries is commonly found along streambanks, canyons, and 
washes. Single-leaf ash (Fraxinus anomala) occurs in shrublands and pinyon/juniper woodlands. There are 
approximately 24 genera and 790 species in the Olive Family. 

Forestiera pubescens, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Oleaceae Olive Family 141 

Oleaceae | 

Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: generally opposite (rarely alternate), deciduous or evergreen, simple to odd-pinnately compound | 
2. Flowers: actinomorphic, (a) usually imperfect, (b) sometimes perfect | 
3. Calyx: sepals 4 (4-15 lobed), basally fused into a cup-shaped tube 

4. Corolla: petals 4 (4-6 lobed), fused into tubular corolla or absent (0) 

5. Stamens: usually 2 (rarely 4), fused to the corolla 

6. Ovary: superior, 2 carpellate; Fruit: (a) loculicidal or circumscissle capsules, (b) samara, berry or drupe 

Fraxinus latifolia, Corey Raimond 


Menodora longiflora, Patrick Alexander Fraxinus anomala, Patrick Alexander 

142 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Oleaceae Olive Family 


Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Oleaceae Olive Family 

Fraxinus latifolia, Gerald Carr 


Fraxinus dipetala, Bryant Baker 

« we. “ sae i 3 ; 

~ Babe, 

Familiar Western Genera - Camissonia, Chamerion, Clarkia, Epilobium, Gayophytum, Oenothera 



General Information 

With flower parts in fours, a long hypanthium, and a many seeded inferior ovary, the Onagraceae is easily 
recognizable in the field. Just think of fireweed (Epilobium) flowers, found wherever a forest fire has raged in the 
West. The genus Clarkia was named in honor of William Clark, who shared the leadership of the Lewis & Clark 
Expedition with Meriwether Lewis. Clarkia, Oenothera, and Fuchsia are popular garden ornamentals. Ludwigia — 
initially grown as a pond plant — is now considered an invasive species when found growing in aquatic habitats 
outside its natural range. The Evening Primrose Family includes about 22 genera and 656 species. 

Oenothera caespitosa, Ron Wolf 

144 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: (a) simple, (b) basal, opposite or alternate (sometimes whorled), entire to toothed or pinnatifid 

2. Flowers: perfect, actinomorphic (sometimes zygomorphic) with a hypanthium, flowers open at dawn 
or dusk 

3. Calyx: sepals 4 (sometimes 2-5), fused to the hypanthium; Corolla: petals 4 (sometimes 2 or 5), often 
clawed, often fading darker 

4. Stamens: 2x or equal to sepals in number 

5. Ovary: inferior, stigma 4-lobed (or as many lobes as sepals) 

6. Fruit: loculicidal capsule (sometimes berry or nutlets) 

Oenothera elata subsp. hirsutissima, Patrick 

Epilobium anagallidifolium, Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family 145 

Calylophus hartwegil, Patrick Alexander 

Prams ene TL! 

fie. -_ 
Chamerion latifolium, Phil Krening Epilobium hornemannii, Patrick Alexander 

146 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family 

Chylismia brevipes, Ron Wolf Chamerion angustifolium, Ron Wolf 

—_—_—_—__—_ ~~ ee a,llCOU,rlClOlUlltCOF 

_~_ _, Eee erdrdlCC HeelllCUeeelCEelCelC LU ellClCUcUrleeeellCrl ell lel = 

Camissonia walkeri subsp. tortilis, BLM Utah 

Oenothera suffrutescens, Phil Krening Clarkia pulchella, BLM Oregon 

Oenothera lavandulifolia, Carol Dawson Camissonia claviformis, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Onagraceae Evening Primrose Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Calypso, Corallorhiza, Cypripedium, Epipactis, Goodyera, Platanthera, Spiranthes 

General Information 

The Orchidaceae is the largest family of flowering plants. Familiar to all, orchids are easily recognized by their 
attractive, strongly zygomorphic flowers, and the vast numbers of dust-like seeds contained in the fruits. 

More than any other cultivated plant, orchids have captured the passions of both growers and scientists, with 
enthusiasts risking it all to get their hands on the rarest ones. All orchids are covered under CITES and through 
history, more than one botanist has become an orchid thief in pursuit of specimens from wild populations. 
Today, orchids are the most valuable plants in the floriculture industry, with more than 100,000 cultivars 
(mostly hybrids) in the trade. Economically, the most important orchid-derived product is the vanilla bean, the 
unripened fruit of the orchid, Vanilla planifolia. 

Terrestrial orchids in the wild can be extremely long-lived. This is due to a phenomenon known as prolonged 
dormancy where plants remain underground and are undetectable during the growing season. Orchids may 
exhibit prolonged dormancy due to environmental stress and is likely a key condition to maintaining high 
fitness for long-term survival. For example, Cypripedium calceolus has exhibited prolonged dormancy for 
twenty years. 

Despite the incredible diversity in the Orchid Family recognition characters are quite simple. These monocots 
have 3 sepals and 3 petals, with one petal usually enlarged into a lip. There are 750 genera and about 26,460 
species in the Orchidaceae, divided into five subfamilies. 

Platanthera dilatata var. albiflora, Phil Krening 

148 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Orchidaceae Orchid Family 

* : 
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re enelUreeelCcelC hl lC rl lC hh lC LCC a 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: terrestrial, perennial — either lacking chlorophyll (non-green) or green 

2. Flowers: bisexual, zygomorphic; Calyx: 3 sepals, free, generally petal-like; Corolla: 3 petals, unequal, one of 
the petals modified into a showy lip (labellum) 

3. Stamens: generally 1 (to 3), more or less fused with the fleshy style and stigma into a column, stigma 
generally 3-lobed, underneath the rostellum on the column 

4. Ovary: inferior, composed of 3 fused carpels 

5. Pollen: aggregated into masses called pollinia 

6. Fruit: capsule, opening by longitudinal slits, containing dust-like seeds 

Corallorhiza maculata, Ron Wolf Platanthera leucostachys, Ron Wolf 

Epipactis helleborine, Corey Raimond 

Corallorhiza trifida, Corey Raimond Corallorhiza maculata, Gerald Carr 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Orchidaceae Orchid Family 149 

ey ee 



Calypso bulbosa, Corey Raimond 

Spiranthes romanzoffiana, 
Corey Raimond 

Cypripedium parviflorum, Carol Dawson 

ing Plant Families of the West | Orchidaceae Orchid Family 

Epipactis gigantea, Ron Wolf 


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Goodyera pubescens, Corey Raimond Platanthera dilatata, Corey Raimond 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Orchidaceae Orchid Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Castilleja, Cordylanthus, Orobanche, Orthocarpus, Pedicularis 

General Information 

The Orobanchaceae consists of the parasitic herbaceous plants, green or without chlorophyll, that were 
formerly found in the Figwort Family. The majority of these plants are root-parasites, obtaining nutrients from 
host plants via haustorial connections. The roots of newly germinated seeds make connections with the roots 
of host plants quickly, and can remain dormant in the soil for years if no host plants are present. There are 
about 104 genera and 1,960 species in the Broomrape Family. 

- » 

Castilleja miniata, Ron Wolf 

hee Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Orobanchaceae Broomrape Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: alternate to opposite, green, simple, blades may be entire, variously dissected or scale-like 
and not green in species without chlorophyll 

2. Flowers: perfect, zygomorphic, bilabiate, with bracts 

3. Calyx: (a) sepals (0) 2-5 lobed, fused; Corolla: (b) strongly bilabiate, petals 5-lobed, fused into a tube and 
the upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed 

4. Stamens: epipetalous, generally 4 in two pairs (didynamous) 

5. Ovary: superior 

6. Fruit: capsule 

Seymeria bipinnatisecta, Patrick Alexander 

Orobanche uniflora, Ron Wolf 


Castilleja sulphurea, BLM Utah 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Orobanchaceae Broomrape Family 153 

Conopholis alpina, Patrick Alexander 

bh ro & 
Pedicularis semibarbata, Ron Wo 

Castilleja haydenii, Jeffrey Dawson Orobanche fasciculata, Ron Wolf 

154 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Orobanchaceae Broomrape Family 

cof Me 

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Pedicularis langsdorffii, BLM 


Orobanche uniflora, Ron Wolf 
Pedicularis centranthera, Ron Wolf 

Orobanche californica, Ron Wolf 
Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Orobanchaceae Broomrape Family 


Pedicularis parryi, Ron Wolf 

e “ ; | a 7 ws 
“natty apa | je \ YN” 

Familiar Western Genera - Arctomecon, Argemone, Corydalis, Dendromecon, Dicentra, Eschschoizia, 

General Information 

The Papaveraceae consists of herbaceous annuals and perennials and a few woody genera. Plants in this 
family are widespread and most diverse in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Plants in this 
family are characterized by a white, yellow or orange sap that exudes from latex cells when damaged. The 
white milky sap of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) is used to produce opiate drugs such as codeine and 
morphine. Opium poppies were cultivated in Mesopotamia before written history. Poppy seeds are most often 
used as traditional ingredients in breads, pastries, bagels, and other baked goods. Many familiar garden plants 
belong to this family; including, purple birds/golden smoke (Corydalis), bleeding hearts (Dicentra), bloodroot | 
(Sanguinaria), |\celand poppy (Papaver nudicaule), and Oriental poppy (F orientalis). In the West, California 
poppies (Eschschoizia) and prickly poppies (Argemone) are found in abundance in grassy open areas and flats. 
The Poppy Family contains about 45 genera and 775 species divided into two subfamilies: Fumarioideae 
and Papaveroideae. | 

Papaver heterophyllum, Ron Wolf 

156 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Papaveraceae Poppy Family 

_ iii, eeeeelCUelCMlC,lCelClelC ll l(iC Kh lO lC hh lC(iC ll l(iCltCOltCi tt—é—=“N. 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: stems, leaves, and other parts produce yellow, orange, red, milky or watery sap 

2. Leaves: generally alternate, simple, toothed, lobed or pinnately or ternately divided 

3. Papaveroideae: flower buds often nodding 

4. Flowers: bisexual, (a) actinomorphic or (b) zygomorphic 

5. Calyx: sepals 2-3 sometimes fused into a cap, (a) shed after flowering; Corolla: petals 2-4 or 6, generally 
2x sepals in number. (b) Sometimes 1 or 2 of the petals can be extended into a spur or pouch 

6. Stamens: generally many 

7. Ovary: superior 

8. Fruit: capsule, dehiscent by (a) pores or (b) valves 

Argemone spp., Phil Krening Dicentra cucullaria, Gerald Carr 

Eschschoizia californica subsp. mexicana, Corydalis aurea, Patrick 
Patrick Alexander : Alexander 

‘ae Ff. 

ie eS =: a Bix 
Argemone squarrosa, BLM Papaver rhoeas, Gerald Carr Papaver somniferum, Argemone pleiacantha, Patrick Alexander 
New Mexico Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Papaveraceae Poppy Family hers 

Corydalis aurea, Carol Dawson Eschschoizia californica subsp. mexicana, BLM New Mexico 

Dicentra formosa subsp. formosa, Ron Wolf Argemone munita, Ron Wolf 

158 gnizing Plant Families of the West | Papaveraceae Poppy Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Vimulus 

General Information 

Plants in the Phrymaceae are rhizomatous or stoloniferous annual and perennial herbs. Monkey-flower 
(Mimulus), may be the flagship species in this family. Mimulus occurs mostly in North America and has the 
most diversity in the California Floristic Province. The California Floristic Province is located on the Pacific 
Coast of California, and includes a very distinctive flora of vascular plants, 60% of which are endemic species. 
In 1996, this province was designated as a biodiversity hot spot. Mimulus, along with 3 genera formerly 

in the “Scrophulariaceae" — Collinsia (Plantaginaceae), Orthocarpus (Orobanchaceae), and Cordylanthus 
(Orobanchaceae) — have the largest number of species in the California Floristic Province. Mimulus is grown 
widely as a garden ornamental. Recent genetic analysis has resulted in the vast majority of the species 
comprising Mimulus being transferred to the genus Erythranthe. There are approximately 13 genera and 187 
species in the Lopseed Family. 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Phrymaceae Lopseed Family 



Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: opposite or basal, simple, entire or toothed 

2. Flowers: perfect, zygomorphic (sometimes actinomorphic) 

3. Calyx: sepals fused into a 5-lobed tube or bilabiate persistent calyx, tube long and generally ribbed: 
Corolla: petals fused into a tubular or bilabiate corolla, 5-lobed 

4. Stamens: usually 4, didynamous, epipetalous 

5. Ovary: Superior 

6. Fruit: capsule 

Mimulus cusickii, Gerald Carr 

Diplacus kelloggii, Gerald Car 

Mimulus tilingii, Patrick Alexander 

160 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Phrymaceae Lopseed Family 

aLtr,eieenaniek a, ns. es ss . >» «. FF =| 

Mimulus cardinalis, Ron Wolf 

— = 

Mimulus mance: Ron Wolf Mimulus lewisii, Gerald Carr 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Phrymaceae Lopseed Family 161 

Familiar Western Genera - Besseya, Callitriche, Collinsia, Digitalis, Keckiella, Linaria, Penstemon, Plantago, ( 
Veronica , 

General Information 

The Plantaginaceae is composed of annual, biennial, and perennial herbaceous plants, as well as, shrubs, small 
trees, and some aquatics. In the West, beardtongue (Penstemon) is the flagship species on the landscape. 
Penstemon is the largest North American genus in the Plantaginaceae, with a geographical distribution from ( 
Alaska and Yukon Territory to Guatemala, but occurring primarily in the western US. Among flowering plants, ( 
Penstemon Is the largest genus endemic to North America. The Plantain Family is home to 99 genera and 
approximately 1,900 species. 



Penstemon harringtonii, Phil Krening 

162 Recognizing-Plant Families of the West | Plantaginaceae Plantain Family ( 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: (a) basal or (b) cauline, alternate or opposite, sometimes whorled 

2. Flowers: unisexual or bisexual, (a) actinomorphic or (b) zygomorphic 

3. Calyx: (a) sepals 4-5, generally fused at base, may appear as lobes, persistent; Corolla: (b) petals 4-5 lobed 
(sometimes absent), generally 2-lipped — upper lip usually 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, nectar spur may 
be present 

4. Stamens: 2 or 4 (didynamous), epipetalous, alternate with corolla lobes, 4 fertile and 1 sterile staminode 
in Penstemon 

5. Ovary: superior (sometimes inferior) 

6. Fruit: capsule 

aa ¥ 

Penstemon fruticiformis, Patrick Alexan 


Penstemon fend 

Maurandya antirrhiniflora, Patrick Alexander Penstemon spp., Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Plantaginaceae Plantain Family 163 

me -4/'oe 

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Penstemon rydbergii, Ron Wolf 

Penstemon grahamii, Phil Krening Tonella tenella, Ron Wolf Collinsia heterophylla, Ron Wolf 

164 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Plantaginaceae Plantain Family 

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Peter Gordon 

Penstemon scariosus var. albifluvis, Phil Krening 



ee LG 

Digitalis purpurea, Michael Remke 

Linaria vulgaris, Ron Wolf 

ao » 
Antirrhinum multiflorum, Bryant Baker 

ae nly 
Penstemon utahensis, Carol Dawson 
Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Plantaginaceae Plantain Family 

MP ou 1% ees Ea a . 2 eee = (ars 
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Familiar Western Genera - Achnatherum, Agropyron, Bouteloua, Bromus, Elymus, Festuca, Hesperostipa, 
Poa, Sporobolus 

General Information 

The Poaceae is without question the most economically important family of flowering plants. Wheat (Triticum) 
was one of the first grains to be domesticated, beginning in 9000 BCE. The domestication of wheat, durum 
wheat, rye, barley, rice, maize or corn, oats, sorghum, millet, and sugarcane allowed humans to become 

less nomadic, permitting the storage of food for adverse conditions, and became important fodder for 
domesticated animals. Grains were used to make alcohol in many cultures. Pottery fragments from the Godin 
Tepe site in western Iran have residue of barley beer dating from 3400 BCE to 3000 BCE. 

Bamboos, familiar in Asian cuisine, are also used for construction materials, fishing rods, bicycles, furniture, 
basketry, musical instruments, and weaponry. The oils from citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus) are used in 
candles as insect repellents. 

Grasses are also used extensively in horticulture in lawns, golf courses, and as popular garden ornamentals. 
Unfortunately, escaped ornamentals and accidental introductions of exotic grasses have changed the relative 
abundance of native plant species and the composition of native plant communities. Exotic grasses have | 
altered historic disturbance cycles, including fire and grazing. In the West, the introduction of the highly 
flammable Bromus tectorum has greatly increased fire frequencies, placing native species that did not evolve 
with frequent fires at risk. The Grass Family includes about 792 genera and 11,000 species divided into | 
13 subfamilies. 

Phleum pratense, Phil Krening 
166 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Poaceae Grass Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: generally round, hollow, nodes swollen, solid 

2. Leaves: alternate, 2-ranked, generally linear, parallel-veined, (a) sheath generally open, (b) ligule 
usually present 

3. Inflorescence: of spikelets, each spikelet having 1 or more florets — spikelets subtended by 2 glumes 

4. Flowers: generally bisexual, (a) each floret subtended by 2 bracts (palea and lemma), perianth reduced to 
2 (sometimes 3) lodicules, (b) stamens usually 3 

5. Ovary: superior; Fruit: caryopsis 

Zea mays, Phil Krening Phalaris arundinacea, Patrick Alexander Bouteloua barbata, Patrick Alexander 

cae : STS Sars IS i * 
Avena sativa, Patrick Alexander Bouteloua hirsuta, Patrick Alexander Achnatherum hymenoides, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Poaceae Grass Family 167 

Agropyron cristatum, Patrick Alexander Muhlenbergia sinuosa, Patrick Alexander 

Festuca thurberi, Patrick Alexander Muhlenbergia porteri, Patrick Alexander 

Achnatherum hymenoides, Patrick Alexander Bouteloua gracilis, Patrick Alexander 

168 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Poaceae Grass Family 

Festuca thurberi, Patrick Alexander Dasyochloa pulchella, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Poaceae Grass Family 

a es 

Familiar Western Genera - Aliciella, Collomia, Eriastrum, Gilia, |pomopsis, Phlox, Polemonium 

General Information 

The Polemoniaceae has its greatest diversity centered in western North America, and is made up of 
herbaceous annuals and perennials, shrubs and vines. Numerous plants in this family are popular garden 
ornamentals: phlox, scarlet trumpet, Jacob's ladder, and cup-and-saucer vine, to name a few. 

Scarlet gilia or skyrocket (/pomopsis aggregata) has showy bright red trumpet-shaped flowers studied in the 
West by numerous botanists as a classic example of introgressive hybridization. Introgressive hybridization is 
the incorporation of genes from one species into another related species. The eye-catching cream to pink to 
red skyrocket populations along roadsides in the Rocky Mountains are the end product of 

this process. There are about 18 genera and approximately 350 species in the Phlox Family. 

Phlox diffusa, Ron Wolf 

170 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Polemoniaceae Phlox Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: (a) simple or compound, alternate or opposite, or (b) mostly basal 

2. Flowers: bisexual, actinomorphic or zygomorphic 

3. In bud, corolla lobes folded and overlapping each other — appearing ‘twisted’ 

4. Calyx: (a) usually 5 sepals, lobed, fused at base, with a translucent membrane connecting lobes, 
persistent in fruit; Corolla: (b) usually 5 fused petal lobes, salverform to bell-shaped, with 
well-defined throat 

5. Stamens: usually 5, epipetalous 

6. Ovary: (a) superior with 3 locules, style 1, generally with (b) 3 stigmas 

7. Fruit: loculicidal capsule 

Polemonium carneum, Gerald Carr 

5 pe : if as r a 
Linanthus dichotomus, Ron Wolf Leptosiphon ai Orus, Gerald a lpomopsis tenuituba, Ron Wolf 

Ipomopsis aggregata, Gerald Carr — Phlox nana, Patrick Alexander Gilia achilleifolia, Ron Wolf Paine renacta, Sarai Carr 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Polemoniaceae Phiox Family 17] 

Linanthus californicus, Ron Wolf 

Gilla achilleifolia, Ron Wolf 

Collomia grandiflora, Ron Wolf 

2 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Polemoniaceae Phlox Family 

Gilia latiflora, Ron Wolf 

Gilia caespitosa, Carol Dawson Navarretia tagetina, Ron Wolf Linanthus bicolor, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Polemoniaceae Phlox Family lees: 

Familiar Western Genera - Bistorta, Chorizanthe, Eriogonum, Persicaria, Polygonum, Rumex 

General Information 

Plants in the Polygonaceae are annual and perennial herbs, shrubs, and trees. If you have ever eaten soba 
noodles, Breton crepes, or rhubarb pie you are already familiar with a few of the tasty food crops in this family. 
Many species of this family are weedy, found in disturbed places and along roadsides. Curly dock (Rumex 
crispus) is an introduced species that is common along roadsides in urban areas. Japanese knotweed (Fallopia 
Japonica), another introduced ornamental, is now spreading aggressively in temperate zones. 

Arguably, the most interesting group of plants in this family belong to the genus Eriogonum, or wild buckwheat. 
Based primarily on the work of botanist Dr. James L. Reveal, it is understood that the center of diversity for 
this genus is in temperate North America. Roughly half of the species assigned to this genus are found in 
California, with most of the remaining species found across the Intermountain West. Dr. Reveal noted that 
Native Americans have a long history of using plants in this genus. There are about 50 genera and 1,200 
species divided into 3 subfamilies in the Buckwheat Family. 

Eriogonum brandegeei, Phil Krening 

174 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family 



Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: (a) simple, generally alternate, (b) stems swollen at the leaf nodes (or not) 

2. Stipules: united into a papery, onion-skin like sheath around the stem (ocreae). Ocreae present 
except in genus Erlognonum 

3. Flower: clusters within the inflorescence generally subtended by bracts; each flower may be 
subtended by 2 bracteoles 

4. Flowers: small, actinomorphic, bisexual. Perianth parts 2-6, generally in 2 whorls (tepals), free or basally 
fused — often petal-like, stamens 6-9 in 2 whorls 

5. Ovary: superior, styles 1-3 

6. Fruits: (a) generally 3-angled with (b) wings or not, sometimes lens-shaped 

Bistorta bistortoides, Gerald Carr 

Rumex salicifol Rumex densiflorus, Patrick 
Carr Alexander 

Rumex hymenosepalus, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family Wie 

‘. - —f 

Eriogonum ovalifolium var. purpureum, Ron Wolf 

Rumex occidentalis, Phil Krenig 


fj Be Cie 






Polygonum vivipara, 
Ron Wolf 

eS bbe, 

: ‘ e 

Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nival 

Eriogonum flavum, Ron Wolf 

176 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family 


Familiar Western Genera - Androsace Dodecatheon, Primula 

General Information 

The Primulaceae is most familiar to us as scapose herbs with showy, tubular, bright pink flowers at higher 
elevations. Numerous genera in this family are popular garden ornamentals, such as; Cyclamen, shooting 

star (Dodecatheon), yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia), and Primula. Rock-jasmines (Androsace) can be found in 
sagebrush communities if you look hard enough. Primulas and shooting stars are frequently seen on rocky 
alpine slopes and moist meadows and fens. There are about 53 genera and 2,790 species within 4 subfamilies 

in the Primrose Family. 

Dodecatheon jeffreyi, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Primulaceae Primrose Family 177 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: annual and perennial scapose herbs 

2. Leaves: alternate, opposite or whorled, often in basal rosettes 

3. Flowers: perfect, actinomorphic, generally 4 or 5-merous 

4. Calyx: (a) deeply lobed, persistent; Corolla: (b) (4) to 5 lobed, commonly fused into short tube, or lobes 
nearly free 

5. Stamens: epipetalous (4) to 5, opposite corolla lobes 

6. Ovary: superior, placenta free-central 

7. Fruit: capsule, usually opening with apical teeth 

Primula parryi, Phil Krening Lysimachia latifolia, Ron Wolf 


Lysimachia arvensis, Gerald Carr 

Primula parryi, Ron Wolf 

Samolus ebracteatus, Patrick Alexander | 

178 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Primulaceae Primrose Family 

Lysimachia europea, Gerald Carr Dodecatheon jeffreyi, Ron Wolf 

Samolus ebracteatus, Androsace septentriona 
Patrick Alexander Gerald Carr 
ie fa ¥ : ‘ 

Androsace chamaejasme, Patrick Alexander Dodecatheon redolens, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Primulaceae Primrose Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Aconitum, Anemone, Aguilegia, Caltha, Delphinium, Ranunculus, Thalictrum 

General Information 

The Ranunculaceae is a large family composed of herbaceous annuals and perennials (occasionally aquatic), 
woody vines, and shrubs — many of which are quite different in appearance. However, all plants in this family 
share two characters: (1) flower parts are separate from each other and (2) stamens are of an indefinite 
number. Most of these species are familiar to us as showy garden ornamentals - Clematis, Helleborus, Anemone, 
Delphinium, and Thalictrum. Love-in-a-mist (Nigella sativa) or ‘onion seeds’ Is also a spice used in baking. Many 
species are poisonous, especially monkshood (Aconitum), the cause of many an accidental or intentional death 
during Victorian times. The Columbine (Aquilegia coerulea), was adopted as the official state flower of Colorado 
on April 4, 1899 by an act of the General Assembly. In 1925, to further protect the columbine a law was enacted 
that “prohibits digging or uprooting the flower on public lands and limits the gatherings of buds, blossoms, and 
stems to 25 in one day”. It is also unlawful to pick the columbine on private land without the consent of the 
land owner. The Buttercup Family contains about 43 genera and 2,346 species divided into five subfamilies. 

Aquilegia pubescens, Ron Wolf 

180 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: basal and cauline, alternate or opposite, simple or (a) compound, (b) sheathing petioles 
may be present 

2. Flowers: bisexual, (a) actinomorphic or (b) zygomorphic 

3. Perianth: rarely a true calyx and corolla present (the exception is genus Ranunculus). The perianth 
consists of petal-like parts or ‘tepals’; Calyx: sepals are free, 3-6 (20), distinct, petal-like, sometimes 
spurred; Corolla: petals free, 3-26 or 0, distinct 

4. Stamens: 5-many, free; Pistils: 1-many, free 

5. Ovary: superior 

6. Fruit: (a) achenes, (b) follicles, (c) berries 

Thalictrum spp., Phil Krening Anemone spp., Phil Krening 

Aquilegia desertorum, Patrick Alexander . Actaea rubra, Gerald Carr 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family 18] 

Pulsatilla vulgaris, Carol Dawson Trollius laxus, Ron Wolf 

182 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Ceanothus, Frangula, Rhamnus, Ziziphus 

General Information 

The Rhamnaceae Is large and consists of temperate and tropical trees and shrubs. The commercial jujube 
candy that was popular in movie theaters originally was made using the juice of Ziziphus jujuba. In some parts 
of the world the candied dried fruits are readily available as a snack food. In the West, the California or wild lilac 
(Ceanothus spp.) is one of the dominant woody genera in the chaparral. Many of the species in the Ceanothus 
chaparral produce deeply dormant seeds that require fire for germination. Seedling germination is generally 
confined to the first postfire year. Ceanothus species are also important butterfly host plants for various species 
of blues, hairstreaks, dusky wings, and skipper butterflies. There are about 55 genera and 1,040 species in the 
Buckthorn Family. 

Ceanothus oliganthus, Bryant Baker 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family 183 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: mostly shrubs and trees, often thorny 

2. Leaves: alternate (less often opposite), simple, pinnately veined or with 3 main veins from the base. 
Stipules generally present, may be modified into spines 

3. Flowers: unisexual or bisexual, actinomorphic, small, hypanthium usually present 

4. Calyx: sepals (4) to 5, triangular, fused to hypanthium rim; Corolla: petals (4) to 5, sometimes 0, generally 
clawed, Inserted in mouth of hypanthium, more or less concave or hooded 

o. Stamens: 4-5, opposite the petals, alternate with sepals, attached to rim of hypanthium 

6. Ovary: superior to inferior 

7. Fruit: drupe, sometimes a capsule or schizocarp 



? a 
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is pumilus, Gerald Carr Ceanothus velutinus, Gerald Carr Ceanothus greggii, Patrick Alexander | 


Rhamnus purshiana, Gerald Carr 

184 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family 

Frangula californica subsp. tomentel. 

Ceanothus incanus, BLM California Frangula californica subsp. tomentella, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Shrubs: Amelanchier, Cercocarpus, Coleogyne, Fallugia, Holodiscus, 
Physocarpus, Prunus, Purshia, Rosa. Herbaceous plants: Drymocallis, Geum, Horkelia, Ivesia, Potentilla, Sibbaldia 

General Information 

The Rosaceae is a large family of shrubs and trees valued for both fruits and popular cultivated genera. The 
most important species economically belong to the genera Malus and Prunus. Food crops produced from these 
genera include: apples, almonds, apricots, peaches, nectarines, cherries, and plums to name a few. Raspberries, 
blackberries, pears, and strawberries round out the mix of favorite summer fruits. Many genera within this 
family are popular garden plants, with the rose (Rosa), hands down, the most popular and widely cultivated 
garden flower in the world. 

In the central Rocky Mountains, the Petran Chaparral is a transition zone from montane coniferous forest to 
treeless plains and plateaus. This is mostly a zone of winter-deciduous shrubs between 2000-3000 meters. 
The vegetation here is somewhat similar to evergreen chaparral in height and Its thicket-like appearance. 
Quercus gambelii is the dominant species, however Cercocarpus species are often locally abundant. This type 
of chaparral can also be found mixed in with pinyon-juniper woodlands in both the Great Basin and Colorado 
Plateau. The Rose Family include up to 90 genera and 2,950 species, divided into three subfamilies. 

Physocarpus monogynus, Phil Krening 

186 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Rosaceae Rose Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: simple to (a) palmately or (b) pinnately compound, usually alternate, stipules usually 
present — often fused to the petiole 

2. Flowers: perfect, actinomorphic, with a hypanthium; epicalyx or bractlets often present 

3. Calyx: (a) sepals generally 5 (3-10), often appear as lobes of the hypanthium; Corolla: (b) petals generally 
5 (3-10), can be absent 

4. Stamens: (0 or 1) 5-many, attached at or near rim of hypanthium; Pistils: 1-many 

5. Ovary: superior to inferior 

6. Fruits: (a & b) achenes, follicles, (c) drupe or pome 

P es 

~ aie = 
Potentilla crinita, Patrick Alexander 

Prunus subcordata, Gerald Carr 


Rosa rubiginosa, Gerald Carr Cercocarpus montanus, BLM Geum triflorum, Dale Swenarton Rubus deliciosus, Patrick 
Colorado Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Rosaceae Rose Family 187 

Rosa woodsii, Ron Wolf 

+ ‘eit 

Spiraea splendens, Ron Wolf Geum triflorum, Loraine Yeatts 

188 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Rosaceae Rose Family 


J Hie dike ? 
Bf Pe CW ! 

Fallugia paradoxa, Ron Wolf 

Familiar Western Genera - Sarcobatus 

General Information 

Endemic to the arid interior of western North America, the Sarcobataceae was formerly included in the 
Chenopodiaceae and consists entirely of two closely related species; Sarcobatus vermiculatus and Sarcobatus 
baileyi. Greasewood is a hygrohalophyte, found growing in alkaline soils where underground moisture is present 
at the surface, usually remaining about 1 meter below. It is an important winter browse plant for big game, but 
can cause poisoning, especially in sheep, due to a high concentration of oxalates. 

Sarcobatus vermiculatus, Phil Krening 

Neen eee eee eee eee 
190 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Sarcobataceae Greasewood Family 

Sey eer 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: monoecious, spiny shrubs, stems branched, spine-tipped 

2. Leaves: simple, alternate, subterete, succulent 

3. Inflorescence: pistillate flowers and staminate spikes on long, lateral branches 

4. Flowers: (a) staminate flowers in terminal spikes, “catkin-like", apetalous, stamens 1-4 covered by 
peltate bracts, (b) pistillate flowers solitary, with a cup-like, sometimes shallowly lobed calyx — lower 
half of calyx fused to ovary with the upper half expanded into a winged border 

9. Fruit: turbinate utricle 

Ox) ; 

Sarcobatus vermiculatus, Matt Lavin 

Sarcobatus vermiculatus, Phil Krening Sarcobatus vermiculatus, Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Sarcobataceae Greasewood Family 191 


| a 

obatus vermiculatus, Patrick Alexander 

192 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Sarcobataceae Greasewood Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Chrysosplenium, Heuchera, Lithophragma, Micranthes, Saxifraga, Telesonix 

General Information 

The Latin name Saxifragaceae means “rock-breaker" and indeed these are the mat-forming or cespitose plants 
found growing in rock crevices in the alpine. Saxifrages excel at higher elevations in the temperate regions of 
North America. Whiplash saxifrage is a colonizer of bare ground — found in alpine meadows and scree slopes. 
Several genera: Astilbe, Heuchera, Bergenia, and Tiarella are highly valued ornamentals for both gardeners and 
rock garden enthusiasts. The Saxifrage Family includes about 35 genera and 640 species. 

— 3 

Heuchera rubescens, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family 193 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Plants: usually perennial herbs, some annuals 

2. Leaves: generally alternate, usually forming basal rosettes 

3. Flowers: bisexual, generally actinomorphic, with a hypanthium, inflorescence often scapose 

4. Calyx: sepals usually 5 (3-10), commonly appearing as lobes of the hypanthium; Corolla: petals usually 5 
(3-10 or 0), clawed, free 

5. Stamens: as many or 2x the number of petals 

6. Ovary: superior to inferior, carpels fused at base to form a compound lobed ovary with each lobe 
extending into a stylar beak — curved styles that look like horns 

7. Fruit: capsules or follicles 

se a y 3g 
Wolf Saxifraga californica, Saxifraga chrysantha, Phil Krening Heuchera parviflora, 
Ron Wolf Phil Krening 

Darmera peltata, Ron 

194 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family 

Saxifraga bronchialis var. ie Ron Wolf 

austromontana, Phil Krening 
eT nig 


Tiarella trifoliata, Ron Wolf Heuchera sanguinea, Patrick Alexander Saxifraga caespitosa, Phil Krening 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Buddleja, Limosella, Scrophularia, Verbascum 

General Information 

The Scrophulariaceae is of major importance in horticulture. Many plants in this family are garden ornamentals 
such as butterfly bush (Buddleja), figwort (Scrophularia), and mullein (Verbascum). In fact, Verbascum thapsus 

is one of the most common roadside weeds in the West, with soft, densely tomentose leaves — it's a campers 
friend in an emergency. With some exceptions, the corolla of plants in this family are strongly zygomorphic and 
two-lipped, the upper lip 2-lobed and the lower lip 3-lobed. 

Based on molecular evidence, the traditional Scrophulariaceae was divided into several separate plant families. 
Current circumscription placed Penstemon and Digitalis in the Plantaginaceae, Pedicularis in the Orobanchaceae, 
Mimulus in the Phrymaceae, with Scrophularia and Verbascum remaining in the Scrophulariaceae. Even after 
numerous genera in the traditional Figwort Family have been moved, there are still roughly 59 genera and 

1,830 species. 

Scrophularia californica, Ron Wolf 

196 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Leaves: (a) simple, (b) alternate or opposite, more or less entire, exstipulate 

2. Flowers: generally bisexual, usually (a) zygomorphic or (b) actinomorphic 

3. Calyx: sepals generally 4-5 lobed, may be unequal in size; Corolla: petals-bilateral to radial, 4-5 lobed 
4. Stamens: 4-5 (didynamous if 4), or 5 equal stamens in Scrophularia, epipetalous 

5. Ovary: superior 

6. Fruit: capsule 

Scrophularia lanceolata, 
Gerald Carr 

Scrophularia macrantha, Phil Krening Scrophularia montana, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family 197 

aquatica, BLM Alaska 

Scrophularia macrantha, Patrick Alexander — Verbascum thapsus, Patrick Alexander 

198 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family 

Familiar Western Genera - Datura, Lycium, Nicotiana, Physalis, Solanum 

General Information 

The Solanaceae has it all: vegetables — such as the potato and tomato, narcotic plants, deadly plants, 

and highly prized ornamentals. Economically, the most important crop is the potato (Solanum tuberosum), 
originating in the Andes Mountains. Tomatoes are perhaps the second most important, followed by eggplants, 
peppers, and tomatillos. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) contains high levels of the addictive chemical nicotine 
and has been used around the world for smoking, chewing, and snuff making. Highly toxic plants in this family 
include deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), thorn-apple (Datura spp.), and black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger). 

Many plants in this family contain alkaloids that are used to create intense hallucinations and intoxication. 
Ornamental species with showy flowers or fruits include: petunias, tobacco plants (Nicotiana), angel's trumpets 
(Brugsmansia spp.), chili peppers (Capsicum), and red lantern plants (Physalis alkekengi). Worldwide the 
Nightshade Family consists of herbaceous annuals and perennials, shrubs, trees and vines composing about 
100 genera and 2,600 species. 

Solanum jamesii, Patrick Alexander 


Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Solanaceae Potato or Nightshade Family 199 



Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: may be prickly or thorny, or covered with hairs 

2. Leaves: simple to pinnately compound, generally alternate 

3. Flowers: perfect, generally actinomorphic 

4. Calyx: (a) sepals generally 5-lobed; Corolla: (b) petals generally 5-lobed, fused into a cup, funnel or 
tube-shaped corolla 

5. Stamens: 5, inserted on corolla tube, alternating with corolla lobes 

6. Ovary: superior 

7. Fruit: (a) berry, (b) loculicidal or septicidal capsule 

Solanum physalifolium var. nitidibaccatum, 
Gerald Carr 

; ms Bis Fe 

Solanum spp., Phil Krening Seat obtusifolia, Nicotiana attenuata, Ron Wolf Nicotiana rustica, Phil Krening 
on Wo 
3 \ r. e Sn 

,; NS 

-_ & é 

Solanum xanti, Patrick Alexander Datura stramonium, Gerald Carr 

200 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Solanaceae Potato or Nightshade Family 

Datura wrightil, Ron Wolf 

Se Nicotiana obtusifolia, Ron Wolf Nicotiana attenuata, Ron Wolf 

Chamaesaracha pallida, Patrick Alexander 

Solanum ptychanthum, Ron Wolf Solanum umbelliferum, Ron Wolf 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Solanaceae Potato or Nightshade Family 201 

Familiar Western Genera - Glandularia, Phyla, Verbena 

General Information 

The Verbenaceae is a cosmopolitan family of annual and perennial herbs, shrubs, and small trees. It is well- 
known for ornamental herbs and shrubs (Lantana spp.) and as a source of essential oils for the perfume 
industry. Fog fruit (Phyla nodulifera) is grown as a ground cover, and lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla) is used 
both as an herb to flavor liquor and in air-fresheners. Plants in this family have some recognition characters 
shared with those in the Lamiaceae, such as 4-angled stems, opposite leaves, and a 4-lobed ovary. There are 
roughly 32 genera and 1,000 species in the Vervain Family. 

Sia ig, 

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Verbena hastata, Phil Krening 

a ee 
202 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Verbenaceae Vervain Family 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: square in cross-section, generally hairy 

2. Leaves: usually opposite, with the petiole bases fused by thin tissue across the node, generally 
toothed, simple or compound, often strongly scented due to extrafloral nectaries 

3. Flowers: perfect, usually zygomorphic, often in spikes or heads 

4. Calyx: 4 or 5 sepals fused into cup-shaped persistent calyx; Corolla: 4 or 5-lobed, salverform to 2-lipped 
or nearly regular 

5. Stamens: generally 4-5, didynamous if 4, epipetalous 

6. Ovary: superior, 2-4-lobed (due to false septa), ovary has a single terminal style 

7. Fruit: 2-4 nutlets, drupe-like, or capsule 

Verbena hastata, Phil Krening Verbena hastata, Phil Krening 

; 4 z y 
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i eS Bee 
| 3 / 
a: 4 eS J r§ 
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Verbena hastata, Gerald Carr 

Biss AA > &- 
Verbena hastata, New England Wildflower Society 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Verbenaceae Vervain Family 203 

Phyla nodiflora, BLM California 

Glandularia wrightii, Patrick Alexander Verbena neomexicana, Patrick Alexander 

204 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Verbenaceae Vervain Family 

sitive Ot y 
Ri ane st peta re 2 

Familiar Western Genera - Fagonia, Kallstroemia, Larrea, Tribulus, Zygophyllum 

General Information 

Herbs and shrubs make up the Zygophyllaceae, which is sometimes referred to as the Creosote Bush Family 
because the dominance of the species. Creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) is a warm desert shrub, found in the 
western US in the Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan Deserts. Desert scrub habitats have high-calcium, gravelly 
soils with a deep caliche layer, a requirement of creosote bush that strongly influences the distribution of this 
species in these southwestern deserts. Bicyclists and golden retrievers are no doubt familiar with the fruits of 
puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris) otherwise known as “goats heads”. There are approximately 23 genera and 
220 species in the Caltrop Family. 

Larrea tridentata, Patrick Alexander 


Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Zygophyllaceae Caltrop Family 205 


Identifying Characteristics 

1. Stems: jointed branches with swollen nodes that may have axillary or stipular thorns 

2. Leaves: opposite (rarely alternate), with stipules that are well-developed at the node, pinnately compound, 
or 2-foliolate to 3-foliolate 

3. Flowers: perfect, actinomorphic, 5-merous 

4. Calyx: sepals 4-5, free, basally fused; Corolla: petals 4-5, free, imbricate, twisted 

5. Stamens: 10-15, often glandular or with an appendage 

6. Ovary: superior 

7. Fruit: capsule or a schizocarp splitting into 5-10 mericarps (=nutlets) 

: NY Va Bey? 
Larrea tridentata, Ron Wolf Tribulus terrestris, Gerald Carr 


Kallstroemia grandiflora, Patrick Alexander —% 

206 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Zygophyllaceae Caltrop Family 

Be eae N 

Guaiacum angustifolium, Patrick Alexander 

Larrea tridentata, Ron Wolf 

Kallstroemia grandiflora, Patrick Alexander 


Larrea tridentata, Patrick Alexander 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Zygophyllaceae Caltrop Family 


The definitions in this glossary are derived from 
the Floras and the taxonomy books cited in the 


Achene = dry, indehiscent, 1-seeded fruit; pericarp and 
seed coat separate except at a single point 

Actinomorphic = radially symmetrical 

Alternate = leaf arrangement characterized by a 
single leaf per node 

Anther = pollen-bearing part of a stamen 

Anthocarp = fruiting structure in which the fruit 
is Surrounded by bracts, the lower portion of the 
perianth, or tissue from the receptacle. In the 
Nyctaginaceae, the base of the calyx acts like a 
parachute to disperse the fruit. 

Apetalous = a flower without petals or any trace of 

Areole = area on a cactus stem from which spines 
and other structures are produced 

Awn = stiff, elongate bristle; in Poaceae, a stiff, needle- 
like pappus element 

Axile placentation = in compound ovaries, a 
placentation type characterized by the placentae 
attached at the center of the ovary 

Axillary = positioned in or arising in an axil 

Banner = largest, upper petal of a flower in the 

Basal placentation = placentation found in which one 
or more seeds or ovules are attached at the bottom of 
the ovary 

Berry = multi-seeded, fleshy indehiscent fruit as in a 
blueberry or tomato 

Bilabiate = 2-lipped, as in the corolla or calyx of many 
plants in the Lamiaceae 

Bisexual = both male and female parts occur in the 
same flower 

Blade = flattened, expanded portion of a leaf or petal 

Bract = a much-reduced leaf subtending an 
inflorescence, sessile flower or pedicel 

Bulb = short underground stem and the fleshy 
overlapping leaves attached to It, as in an onion 


Calyx = collective term for sepals, the outermost 
whorl of the floral series 

Campanulate = bell-shaped 

Capsule = dry, dehiscent fruit composed of two or 
more united carpels 

Carpel = a simple pistil; can be fused into a compound 
pistil; often, the number of carpels is equal to the 
number of stigma branches, styles or chambers of 
the ovary 

Caryopsis = dry, one-seeded indehiscent fruit with the 
seed coat completely fused to the pericarp; fruit type 
of the Grass Family (Poaceae) 

Catkin = pendant, cylindrical raceme or spike 
composed of dense, sessile, apetalous flowers 

Cauline = pertaining to the stem, cauline leaves are 
attached to the stem 

Chaff = thin, dry scale-like structures subtending the 
florets on the receptacle of plants in the Asteraceae 

Circumscissile = a type of dehiscence in a dry fruit- 
opening by a slit running around the circumference 
with the upper part coming off as a lid 

Claw = the stalk or constricted basal portion of a petal 
or sepal 

Column = a structure in an orchid flower formed by 
the fusion of stamens to the style and stigma 

Comose = bearing a tuft of hairs (e.g., seeds of 

Compound leaf = a leaf composed of two or more 

Connate = united; the fusion of similar structures to 
one another 

Corm = dense, underground vertical stem with dry, 
papery leaf bases 

Corolla = collective term for the petals of a flower 

Corolla lobes = separate petal-tips of a sympetalous 

Corolla tube = cylindrical portion of a sympetalous 

Corona = series of appendages inserted on the 
corolla; a crown 

208 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Glossary 

OO. Ul 

Corymb = short more or less flat-topped or rounded 
indeterminate inflorescence with pedicels of different 

Culm = stem of grasses, sedges, and rushes 

Cyathium = inflorescence of some plants in the 
Euphorbiaceae, consisting of a single pistil and 
several male flowers surrounded by a cup-like 

Cylindric = cylinder shaped, elongate and round in 

Cyme = a branched, determinate inflorescence in 
which the flowers bloom from the center outward or 
from the apex downward 

Cypsela = an achene with a pappus attached as in the 

Deciduous = falling off 

Dentate = coarsely toothed along the margin, with 
teeth pointing outward 

Diadelphous = stamens occurring In two sets; a 
stamen arrangement characteristic of flowers in 
subfamily Papilionoideae (Fabaceae) in which nine 
stamens are connate by their filaments and the tenth 
is separate 

Dicots = flowering plant in which the embryos have 2 
seed leaves, flower parts in 4's or 5's or multiples 

Didynamous = with four stamens in two pairs of 
unequal length 

Dioecious = having staminate and pistillate flowers 
on separate plants of a species 

Disk flower = tubular, usually actinomorphic and 
usually perfect flowers of some Asteraceae 

Distinct = separate 

Drupe = fleshy, usually 1-seeded indehiscent fruit 
having its seed enclosed in a stony endocarp; stone 
fruit as in cherries, dates 

Entire = a featureless leaf margin 

Epicalyx = an involucel of bractlets that immediately 
subtend the calyx of an individual flower (e.g., 
Malvaceae, Rosaceae) 

Epipetalous = inserted upon the petals or corolla, 
often applied to stamens 

Eudicots = one of the major clades of flowering plants 
composed of the majority of the classical dicots 

Evergreen = remaining green throughout the year; not 
losing all the leaves at one time 

Exserted = sticking out; projecting from the corolla 


Fascicle = a tight cluster or bundle 

Filiform = threadlike; filamentous 

Filament = the stalk of a stamen that bears an anther 
Floral tube = elongated tubular portion of the perianth 

Floret = in the Poaceae, the unit composed of a single 
flower and Its immediately subtending bracts (lemma 
and palea) 

Follicle = dry dehiscent fruit derived from a single 
carpel, splitting on one side, along a single suture 

Free = neither fused to nor adherent to other parts; 
distinct, separate 

Free-central placentation = with ovules attached to a 
central free-standing column within a unilocular ovary 

Fruit = ripened ovary and its contents along with any 
other structures which matured along with it 

Glandular = bearing glands 

Glochid = jn Cactaceae, a reduced, barbed bristle-like 

Glume = in the Poaceae, either of the two basal 
bracts of a grass spikelet that do not directly subtend 
individual florets 

Gynobasic style = a style that appears to arise 
directly from the receptacle or ovary base rather 
than from the apex of the ovary; associated with the 
4-lobed ovary in the Boraginaceae and Lamiaceae 

Gynophore = an elongated stalk bearing the pistil in 
some flowers 

Gynostegium = a structure found in the Apocynaceae 
formed from the fusion of the stamens to the stigma 


Head = an inflorescence type characterized by an 
aggregation of more or less sessile flowers on a 
common receptacle; also referred to as a capitulum; 
the inflorescence type in the Asteraceae 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Glossary 209 

Hypanthium = structure formed by the fusion of the 
bases of the sepals, petals and stamens; the shape 
varies from disc-like to cup-shaped, or long-tubular 

Hypogynous = sepals, petals and stamens inserted 
on the receptacle “underneath” the base of the 
superior ovary; no hypanthium is present 

Imbricate = overlapping 

Imperfect = flower lacking either stamens or pistils; 

Incomplete = flower with one or more floral series 

Indehiscent = not splitting open at maturity 
Inferior ovary = sepals, petals, stamens inserted 

above the ovary; thus, the ovary is below the point of 
attachment; ovary is fused to a hypanthium 

Inflorescence = the flowering part of a plant; all of the 
flowers and associated parts arranged on a floral axis 

Involucre = one or more whorls of bracts immediately 
subtending a flower or inflorescence 

Irregular = flower that is bilaterally symmetric; 


Keel = two lower petals of a papilionoid flower 
(subfamily Papilionidae, Fabaceae) that form a unit 
resembling the prow of a boat 


Labellum = a lip; applied to the enlarged and often 
elaborate lower petal of the orchid flower 

Legume = dry dehiscent fruit derived from a single 
carpel that dehisces along two sutures 

Lemma = in grass spikelets the lower of two bracts 
that together enclose the flower 

Ligule = strap-shaped structure. In Asteraceae the 
strap-shaped limb of a ray corolla or ligulate corolla. 
In Poaceae, the membranous appendage arising from 
the inner surface of the leaf at the junction with the 
leaf sheath 

Limb = the expanded portion or border of a 
sympetalous corolla 

Locule = cavity or chamber on the inside of an ovary 

Loculicidal capsule = capsule that dehisces by - 
means of openings into the locules 

Lodicule = minute scales at the base of the ovary in 
the grass flowers 

Loment = indehiscent dry fruit derived from a simple 
carpel that breaks transversely into one-seeded 


Mericarp = one of the one-seeded segments that 
breaks away from the schizocarp 

Monocots (monocotyledon) = flowering plant in which 
the embryos have one seed leaf, generally flower 
parts in 3s and parallel veins 

Monadelphous = stamens with filaments fused into a 
tube surrounding the ovary and style (e.g., Malvaceae) 

Monoecious = having staminate and pistillate flowers 
on the same plant 

Node = point of attachment of a leaf to the stem 

Nutlet = one of the one-seeded segments of the ovary 
of a member of the Boraginaceae or Lamiaceae; small 


Ocrea = nodal sheath formed by fusion of two stipules 
(characteristic of some Polygonaceae) 

Opposite = two leaves per node, across the stem from 
each other 

Ovary = the ovule-bearing portion of the pistil 
Ovule = immature seed 

Palea = in a grass spikelet the upper of the two bracts 
that enclose the flower (lower bract is the lemma) 

Palmate = radiating from a common point of origin; 
used for the leaflets in a compound leaf that point to 
the apex of the petiole 

Panicle = indeterminate branching raceme; many- 
branched inflorescence 

Pappus = modified calyx consisting of scales, bristles 
or awns in the Poaceae 

Parietal placentation = in a compound ovary without 
septa (i.e. one locule) the placentae are attached to 
the side walls of the ovary 

210 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Glossary 

Pedicel = the stalk of an individual flower in an 

Peduncle = stalk that supports an inflorescence 
including, including the stalk that supports a solitary 

Pepo = large berry derived from an inferior ovary, 
characterized by a thick rind (restricted to the 

Perfect = a flower with both stamens and pistils; 

Perianth = collective term for the outer parts of the 
flower, the calyx and corolla 

Perigynium = sac-like hollow bract that encloses a 
pistillate flower in genus Carex 

Petiole = the leaf stalk 
Petal = one unit of the inner whorl of the perianth 

Phyllary = one of the involucral bracts of the head of 
a plant is the Asteraceae 

Pinnate = with leaflets arranged on both sides of a 
common axis 

Pistil = female reproductive part of the flower, 
composed of stigma, style and ovary 

Placenta (placentae) = the point or region where 
ovules are attached to the ovary wall 

Placentation = the arrangement of placentae within 
the ovary 

Pollinium (pollinia) = mass of adherent pollen grains 
shed as a unit in Asclepias and the Orchidaceae 

Pome = fleshy accessory fruit of inferior-ovaried 
members of the Rosaceae derived from the fusion of 
the hypanthium to the ovary wall 

Poricidal capsule = capsule that opens by means of a 
pore or series of pores 


Raceme = unbranched indeterminate inflorescence 
with a rachis and pedicellate flowers 

Ray flower = a type of pistillate or sterile flower in 
the Asteraceae with a flat, strap- or fan-shaped often 
3-lobed outer portion of the corolla 

Receptacle = in an individual flower, the structure to 
which flower parts are attached 

Regular = actinomorphic; perianth parts have 2 or 
more lines of symmetry 

Replum = the septum in a silique or silicle 

Rhizome = elongate underground horizontal stem 
which bears reduced scaly leaves, axillary buds 

Rosette = tight cluster of leaves radiating from a 
central area of attachment; generally basal 

Rostellum = hollow cap borne at the end of the 
column, covering the pollinia in the Orchidaceae 

Rotate = wheel-shaped; a corolla with a very short 
tube and a flat, circular limb 


Salverform = describes a corolla with a slender tube 
and an abruptly expanded flat limb (e.g. |pomopsis or 
Phlox flower) 

Samara = indehiscent winged fruit 

Scape (scapose) = leafless peduncle arising from the 
ground level 

Scarious = with a dry membranous texture, often 

Schizocarp = fruit derived from a compound 
ovary that breaks apart into one-carpellate units 
(mericarps), each of which contains one or more 

Scorpioid = circinately coiled determinate 
inflorescence; helicoid cyme 

Scurfy = covered with scales 

Sepal = one unit of the outer whorl of the perianth, 
usually greenish 

Sheath = in the Poaceae (and elsewhere) the base of 
a leaf that enwraps the steam 

Septicidal capsule = capsule that dehisces along or 
within the septum 

Septum (septa) = a partition within an ovary 
Silicle = in the Brassicaceae, a short silique 

Silique = in the Brassicaceae, a dry dehiscent fruit 
that has two locules separated by a membranous 
septum (replum); long and skinny fruit 

Simple leaf = a leaf which is not divided into discrete 

Spike = unbranched elongated inflorescence with 
sessile flowers attached directly to the rachis 

Spikelet = in the Poaceae the portion of the 
inflorescence consisting of the glumes and enclosed 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Glossary ala 

Spur = sac-like or tubular projection from a petal or 

Stamen = pollen-producing part of a flower, 
composed of anther and a filament 

Staminode (staminodia) = sterile stamen that does 
not produce pollen 

Stolon = above-ground horizontal stem which roots at 
the nodes and produces new plants, often at its tip 

Stellate = in some hairs, radiating like the points of a 

Stigma = pollen-receptive portion of the pistil 
Stipule = pair of appendages at the base of a petiole 

Style = more-or-less elongated portion of the pistil 
between the ovary and the stigma 

Stylopodium = in some Apiaceae flowers, a disc-like 
to long-tapering enlargement borne atop the ovary at 
the base of the styles 

Succulent = thick and fleshy, Juicy 

Superior ovary = ovary that has the other floral parts 
(sepals, petals, stamens) inserted on the receptacle 
below It 

Sympetalous = with united petals 

Tendril = thread-like twining structure by which a 
plant supports itself 

Tepal = segment of the perianth that is not clearly 
differentiated into sepals and petals 

Terete = cylindrical, round in cross-section 
Terminal = at the tip or apex 
Ternate = divided into threes 

Tetradynamous = having four long stamens and two 
short ones, as in the Brassicaceae 

Thyrse = a compact cylindrical, pyramidal panicle or 
ovate panicle with an indeterminate main axis and 
cymose sub-axes 

Trifoliolate = a compound leaf with three leaflets 
Tubercle = small, wart-like projections 

Umbel = indeterminate inflorescence with pedicels 
arising from a common central point of attachment 

Io Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Glossary 

Utricle = bladdery achene with the pericarp loose and 


Valvate = opening by valves, as in many dehiscent 
fruits; meeting without overlapping when referring to 
petals or sepals 


Whorl (whorled) = circular arrangement with three or 
more leaves or flowers at a node 

Wing = either of the two lateral petals ina 
papilionaceous flower (subfamiliy Papilionoideae, 


Zygomorphic = bilaterally symmetric, divisible into 
equal halves along only one plane 


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Cronquist, A., N. H. Holmgren & PK. Holmgren, (eds.). 1997. Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the 
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Edited by D.E. Giblin, B. S. Legler, P. F. Zika, and R..-G. Olmstead. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. 

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Stewart, Amy. 2013. The Drunken Botanist. Algonquin Books, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 

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214 Recognizing Plant Families of the West | References 


The creation of this field guide would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and support of all the 
individuals that have participated in our Flora of the West presentation during classes offered through the 
Bureau of Land Management's National Training Center (NTC), the Conservation and Land Management 
Internship Program at the Chicago Botanic Garden, “Celebrate Wildflowers” events in Colorado, and other 
educational events around the western United States. It has been a great honor to meet participants at 
previous events who have provided useful comments which helped refine the presentation material and 
shared the information with others. In particular, we'd like to recognize the following individuals for their 
support: Lori Young at NTC; Dr. Krissa Skogen at the Chicago Botanic Garden; and Peggy Olwell, BLM Plant 
Conservation and Restoration Program Lead. 

Gathering the photographs for this guide was a gargantuan task. In addition to all of the individual 
photographic contributors we owe a special thanks to the following individuals for allowing generous use of 
their photographs: Ron Wolf; Patrick Alexander, botanist at the BLM Las Cruces Field Office; and Gerald Carr, 
curator of the Oregon Flora Image Project at the University of Hawaii. Additionally, this work greatly benefitted 
from images contributed by the national interagency Seeds of Success program. 


Carol Dawson has served as the Bureau of Land Management's 
Colorado State Botanist since 2001. Her main interests include 
developing conservation strategies for rare plants on public lands, 
rare plant monitoring, and native plant materials development. Carol 
has mentored dozens of interns to provide relevant experience in 
plant conservation and teaches plant identification classes. Prior 

to coming to BLM Carol was the director of research at the Denver 
Botanic Garden and taught classes on flowering plant identification 
at the University of Denver. 

Phil Krening is a Plant Conservation Specialist with BLM Colorado 
(contractor). In addition to botany, his interests include landscape 
conservation, invasive species management, and sampling design. 
When he’s not designing rare plant monitoring studies, Phil likes to 
spend his time behind the camera lens. As a photographer he's had 
work published both online and in print publications. 

Recognizing Plant Families of the West | Acknowledgements and About the Authors PAM, 

ge = 

Delta County, Colorado, Phil.krening 

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